

The Conspirator
The instructions were clear:
'Go in, retrieve the package, don't look back.'
That simple.
He did everything right till he looked back...
He saw something that will haunt him forever - Bang! Bang!
he saw Hes Partner ( Josh) got shot - But who shot him?
it was his Boss (Carlos)!!
why would you do that ? he whispered himself - Shocked and Scared - He was freezed in time ----

He's boss walks down to him with a gun on his hand, Followed by his goons - "Do you know why I killed this bastard? he was sending all the details through Protocol"

Marco was still in Shocked - He still can't believe what just happened -
than one of he's boss Goon grab from his neck and Told him - "Listen carefully to what boss says -!"
Marco in a crack voice - I... don't..

"Listen Marco? I know You don't work for Cops - but your friend did - so He had to sleep - forever ! now listen carefully, This package is very Important - you have to get this to St Louis Park- there you will find a Man called Nicholas with a red cap on it.. give this package to him safely, And Get me the payment, just remember - Those whole areas are filled With Cops, and if you fail, You die!! " said by Carlos

Now Go - Hurry Up! said by one of his goon

Marco hesitately ran off with the package ...
after few hours , He reached the destination and met the Man with a red cap name called Nicholas !

are you Nic...

No time to talk said Nicholas!

here's Your package - wheres the Money? Marco

here's The money - They exchanged !

right at the moment : Freezz!! Hands up- Knees on the ground!!

Marco used Nicholas to escaped , he grab him pushed him towards the Cops ,
one of the cop shot at Marco but it Missed !
Three officers started to chase Marco
he had no other option than to run -
The cops called for backup
suddenly - A car just came out of no where and helped Marco to run from the chase...
inside the car there were four of them including the driver -
The car went stright to the hills , where there's no one :
Another Black Benz car was Already there - it was non other than his boss with his two Goons-

they came up from the car - Those four grab him from behind and put Marco down on his knees..

Boss - I brought your money ! So what's this all about? marco!

hes boss laughs hideously- You still don't understand don't you? Marco! Marco!! listen to me - The cops has already seen your face.. now your the most wanted guy in St Louis - they will search all over St Louis, if they get you, They gonna get me too.. and I don't want that to happen... so you must die..

but boss - Marco
shhhhh... say no more - I'll free you forever now.. Carlos
One of the Guy who was behind the Marco gave a gun to his Boss...

Goodbye Marco! Your job is done.. and Clip..... clip... clip!
confused - Checked the gun and the Gun was empty!
where's the bullet? said Carlos!
it's over here said By the other guy who bought Marco from the car- Bang ! Bang! shot two of Carlos Goons..

you deciever - how dare you ..

ah ah ah... Marco stands up... (smirk)
you still don't get it don't you?? Marco!
takes the gun from his boss - reloads the Gun - "I learned this from you Carlos! "
I trusted you - But when you killed my partner,. I realized that moment - if you can kill my friend obviously you can Kill me ; I could have killed you earlier Carlos, but do you know - why I didn't?mean cause I need that money!! so I took this bold step .. and here i am.. and when im on the way here, I Bought all five of them with a billion dollars each.. so now they My man... and not yours - Marco!

you scoundrel - Carlos!

shhhh.... say no more Carlos - I'll free you forever now..
Bang! Bang! Bang!

Boss!! Carlos is dead now. when are you gonna pay us our money?

right now - Marco

Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang,...

killed all five of them..

if you can betray your boss, tomorrow you can betray me also.... ( talks to himself) Marco!

Marco takes all the money
and Gets in the car and A new tale begins....

© Alen Yimchunger