

The year is 1960.

A man randomly appears in darkness, carrying a baby girl.

He leaves the baby girl at an orphanage without any knowledge on who she is, and who is her parents.

The Nuns at the orphanage have no idea who she is. They named her Kriti.

Kriti always used to wonder about parents, who is her Mother? Who is her Father? But was unable to find out.

When Kriti turned 19 she met a great guy, they started dating each other, but it wasn't meant to be. Their meeting was against the law of time.


They both used to Fight and Quarrel. One day she find out that her boyfriend left her and ran away. Kriti was emotionally disturbed, but she realised and maintained herself because she was pregnant with his baby.

Nine months later she rushed into the hospital and delivers a beautiful baby girl. But somebody that night appeared into the hospital without knowing anyone and kidnaps her newborn baby. In the morning doctors finds Kriti bleeding rapidly and is dying. Also doctor found that the baby was missing, someone might have kidnapped the child. It was a mystery and also doctors didn't wanted their hospital to be slandered, so they immediately decided to perform an operation on her and changed her Gender.

They named Kriti into Kartik.

When Kartik wakes up and finds his baby missing, he asks the doctor about his baby, the doctor informed him that his baby was kidnapped and also he's not even Kriti any more.

Kartik spends his rest of his life as an alcoholic and depressed. He gets drunk numerous time and always gets into the bar fight. He is always depressed about who his parents are?

One day he becomes drunk again. Someone asked him, who are you Kartik? Who is your mother? Who is your Father?

Kartik doesn't know. He becomes angry and gets into the bar fight with that person. Kartik becomes unconscious. The bartender wakes him up and tells him that he is a time traveller and wants to help him out of the situation.

The bartender takes Kartik to his time travelling machine to go back to the past and try to find out who are Kartik's parents!

He goes several years in the past to find out his parents. Kartik arrives in the past but he doesn't know what year he is in.

He also could never find out who his parents were. Not knowing what to do he suddenly meets a beautiful 19 years old girl and falls in love with her. But it wasn't meant to be. Their meeting was against the law of time.

They used to fight and quarrel. Kartik then finds out that his girlfriend is pregnant.

Kartik was shocked knowing that all these scenes had been experienced by him before. Kartik tells himself this happened to me.

But this time he promised himself that he will make sure that his baby gets the best education.

The same day at night of his baby girl's birth, he appears into the hospital without knowing anyone and kidnaps his own precious baby.

Kartik along with his baby again travels into the past. He traveled way back to the year 1960.

It is a dark and stormy night. Kartik suddenly appears from darkness carrying his beautiful baby girl. He drops his baby Into the orphanage.

The Nuns at the orphanage have no idea who she is. They named her Kriti.

Kriti grow up wondering about her parents.

Now Kartik gets it altogether. He becomes a time traveller, existing in large numbers of adventures.

Kartik is now grown old and decided to live a simple life. Kartik again goes back in time and becomes a bartender. He now stopped time travelling.

One day a bar fight takes place. A certain guy is knocked out unconscious.

The bartender came to know about the fight because someone asked the guy, who are you Kartik? Who is your mother? Who is your Father?

Kartik want to help the guy. He wakes him up and tells him that he is a time traveller and wants to help him giving his Time Machine.

The guy takes Kartik's Time Machine and is never seen again at the bar.

by Kartik Tiwari
© failed to inspire