

unplanned murder became a birthday gift..
In the whole year, I will be waiting for my birthday. Because on that day I'll be treated specially. mainly I will be waiting for the gifts.
But my last birthday was the most terrible one. asusual party completed with full of friends and relatives. After finishing of party, I went to my room sat beside the window.
suddenly the climate changed dark and it was about to rain, The sky was full of stroms and thunders, dogs barking outside made me shiver,and
with a big sound the power was off.
My room was full of dark and I can't see anything.
sweat was rolling down on my face,and suddenly I feel someone hit on my head and dragging me to somewhere. I was confused with what's going on..
suddenly I had a knife in my hand and I listened shoutings of some people, I listend my mom voice and went there to see. I saw my mom with a knlife bigger than mine,and her eyes filled with tears and asking me to help.
my heart filled with pain and I said mom is it necessary. then she replied yes you must do it.dont waste time and complete it.
first time having knife in my hands, made my heart weak but thoughts were going on. my hands are shivering and yet I decided to do it and put the the knife on it I successfully done it. but I I did it too badly.
all the people are shouting at me that is that the way you do that.. after listening them I thought why they are so cruel..
after sometime power came and then I argued my mother is it necessary but she reply from today it's my birthday gift to you and it's your duty everyday....
chill ....chill guys.. I just went to cut tomatoes and to help my mom preparing food. and she is crying because she is cutting onions. The person dragged me to my mom was my brother..
ok then...
....,...what did you think??????
- sudha eshwar.