

Great Lady episode 1
It was the night of 6th August, clouds were thundering, lightning and storm. Everything was looking so scary. Poor villagers were worried about their mud houses. Because their houses were made of mud and bamboo. There was a beautiful house in this village. An old woman was sitting on mat and praying. A young man of age 36 was standing and looking nervous. Then suddenly the door opened and the woman with the baby came out. Felicitations!!!!!! old madam, then Young Man move forward and look at the baby. Mother sees how beautiful she is. Then old madam smiles and then says Thanks, God. Then she took the baby in his laps. Oh my sweet granddaughter, how beautiful you are. Storms suddenly stops and now the sky was clear. This was a happy night in the house of the village's chief. Because after a long time his wish came true. He ran towards the church and thanks, God. Bright stars were shining in the sky. The environment was cool, peaceful, and charming. It seems like that it is an indication of happiness.
To be continued

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