

let's move on last part
eilie started new business which goes so far and she became a millionaire she got a husband who loves her and a daughter
one day someone knock at her door
*knock knock *

Elie ;; come in
her employ ;; mam this man wants a job as janitor
Elie ;; let him in 🚪
boy showed up 👦
Ellie!! you!! 😲
her ex bf ;; Elie woah ho you are the boss the famous millionaire
Elie ;; ya I am so😏💁💁 what
her ex bf ;; I really wanted to meet you to say
I really regret by leaving you
Elie ;; stop it and tell me what do you wanna need or want
her bf ;; I just want u....
Elie phones rings 📞📞📞📞📞
Elie ;hey honey 🍯what's up
Elie ;; ah ok I'll bring you chocolates😋🍫🍫😋
Elie hung up ⬆
her ex bf ;; your new bf 😏 han so you have not moved on so much yet
Elie ;; no my daughter
ex bf ;; ah ok
Elie ;; so what were you saying
ex bf ;; ah aha I want u I mean I want your job here
Elie ;; ok done work hard as a janitor 💪😄👌
ex bf ;; hmm so moved on wow
Elie ;; ya why not I could.


so please forgive and forget and move on