

Trying Writco Poem Prompt First Time🌷🌟

In this prompt certain words were chosen to use so here I gave it a try💫🌈🥰
Hope you Like This🎶💙

With open heart she makes a wish,
Her inner light dazzling through and flourish,
A sweet Redolence tickling by this desire,
Optimistic vibes, increase in the passion's fire,
Joyous soul with a delicate golden heart,
Got determined to fly high Aesthetic Art,
Leaving trail after running across like a star,
Either fulfilment of dreams may may be lil far,
Reflection of true hope in her Prayer,
Smiles at sky watching stars Daring Slayer,
There is a beauty in existence,
There is a power in persistence,
Power you behold is nothing less,
Serene soul with delighted heart Yess,
Warmth and kindness abound so intoxicating,
You have got me levitating!

So here is the end.... done 💜🌸🤍
I really don't have need of prompts because I am a random idea attractor🤣🪐 and I am gravity to ideas... haha... magnetic field effect 😃👍🏻❤️
Well stay happy 😊
Make others happy 😁✍️🦋
© DaniSparkles💫