

Who Am I?
I use my brain for everything that I do. Easy enough to understand, right? Well, does that make me smart, not always. But do I try to think open mindedly, of course. So what's the issue. Is it that I think I'm not smart? Is that others' opinions about my smarts not enough? Questions I came up with, and now you might want answers. If not, I'm not here for you or anyone so it's okay to move on. But if you want to know, here's my philosophy.

I believe that being open minded is a smart thing to do. But only if you can really open your mind to the possibility that not everything involves you. I'm not trying to be rude, but empathy is key here. Literally, listen and imagine yourself in that same position, with the same outcome. Don't think about what you might have done differently. Understand why they did what they did. Not only does it help you learn about them, it helps you open yourself up to other possibilities.

For example, if you decided to talk with a random passer-by and asked how their day was and they told you a long string of pretty simple but kind of petty complaints that didn't need all of the drama behind each statement. Doesn't mean that there's more to it. You don't know how their life has been or what it was before you had that conversation. Don't give advice, just listen and care. Most people believe their idea(s) are the most correct idea(s) that someone has ever came up with. But an idea has the potential to become reality. So be careful what you dream up.

I also believe that people do have a will to change. But much like our use of our brain, the average is low. No one can suspect how to change. Not all change is quick or demanding. Some change takes time and willpower. No one will force you or make you change, but you can. Only if you want to of course. Don't blame someone from your past, or someone that hurt you, or your parents/childhood. We all grow up at some point. Some sooner than others, and some when it's too late. But we can change now, even if it's just wanting to change. The first step should always be in the right direction.

Now, as for actual smarts. What does it mean to be smart? Do you consider a person who is only smart in one category like a doctor or mathematician to be smart? If so why? and if not, also why? My belief is smart is about the life we live. Not the one they tell you to look to the future for. Flying cars and jetpacks can wait. What if you had nothing? You think a doctor could help you start a fire? Do you think a mathematician could cut down a tree and make the wood necessary to do so? Smart isn't about how much you know about a single idea or belief. True smarts, is what you can come up with when you have nothing.

I consider monks to, probably, be one of the highest mind sets on this planet. Living off of close to nothing, owning nothing, doing nothing. But yet, questioning only yourself and the universe. Not like "UNIVERSE" universe. It's more like the cosmic energy that surrounds all living beings. Once you realize it flows like water. You'll open your mind and soul to the possibility of nothing and everything, all at once.

I have more insight on other subjects. I just feel this topic is decaying due to our ideas about the future. No one lives in the now anymore. It's always about what will be and how can I change it. Not, "what's wrong with me and how can I fix it?" People aren't born wrong, we just don't learn the same because we're different. But if you're different you're an outcast, but if you're different you're also unique and special. Don't let a label on a box tell you who you are. Let you decide what path you want to take. If you feel alone, I'm here for you and if you need space, disappear for awhile. Life happens, until it doesn't.
© SavageKing1