

The helper
The waitress' eyes grew wide at the crumpled paper the woman had handed with the money.
"Help," it read.
When she looked up, the woman was gone... I did what anyone would do follow her and call 911. In my mind I was thinking so many worse case scenarios. She a victim of abuse of all kinds? Is she a runaway,or that her life is easy but it makes her unhappy? She comes from abusive parents who can't escape this life.? As I follow her, halfway through a dark alley. "I asked, her, Your asking for help??" "How can I help you?" I asked her." I have a son and I just needed to bring him home some food. I took my food whatever I could afford for him to eat. I work as a tattoo artist here in this area. I am just apprentice finishing my degree.
It's why I live in a bad area as you can see. My boyfriend worked here, well he took off when he found out I was pregnant. I am not able to work as much because my son he is only 2 years old. I take him with me as much as I can but it's not safe for him to be around that. I love my Job but I love my son more. "What is your name ?I asked her."" Isla she said." Its nice to meet you Isla, I am Ruth." About your situation. I can offer you a Job as a waitress or a dishwasher. I will help you manage your money and get you an apartment when you can afford it as long as you save up as much as you can. "Can I ask you one question?" I said, Of course. She said, "Most people turn away or say that this wasn't a big emergency and walk away or say I'm going to call the cops." "Why didn't you? " She asked. Well call me one a million I guess. You see, I was just like you with 2 kids. I had a son and a daughter. Now my kids are in college. My son is studying mechanics. My daughter studying to be a zoologist. I work at the dinner to tell people my story like you for example. Your the first person who I could tell my story too. That is Why I an helping you. "Can I ask one thing in return. " Anything she asked. I asked, Help other's in need the way I helped you. She said." Well I can do that. "I want to finish my tattoo degree while I work for you and Pay my bills. That's ok? Of course I said the days you don't work I will be working your shifts. Days off. When you work your shifts, or we work shifs together. I will help you watch your son. We will get you a new apartment as you soon as you earn enough and I will help you with half. She looked at me with tears in her eyes. "Thank you so much she said, I will never forget your gratitude and your kindness." When I make it to graduation day. I want you and my son by my side." I will loved that more than anything". I said. "One more question. I asked." Anything she said. " What happened to your parents? Well she said. My parents disowned me when I got pregnant my sophomore year of college. Thar is why I'm living like this. "The father he took off? I asked . " It was more he took advantage of me and I got pregant and I told my family. " He worked here witj me, but then but he took off with one of his clients. Now it is just the 2 of us." I said. "No it's the 3 of us. now. "Thank you. she said with tears. "When can we get started? she asked. "Right now I said. " So pack your son's stuff and yours. Your coming to live with me. Really she said. "Do I have any reason not to trust you? "
1. stealing
2. drugs
3. Gambling
anything like that.
"No just poor and dedicated, she said."
Then we're good to go. "One thing I didn't tell you is I live with my husband we had our kids together. My family disowned me as well because they thought he wasn't the right man for me. Now look at my life. I have 2 beautiful successful kids. A man that worships me because we don't live luxury we are a simple minded family. She said , Best way to be." she said. I had nothing when I met him and I had more dad's then a mom. I grew by Age 9 and I leaned the role of being a parent. It's not no one will quit om you , it more the right person will never give up on you, when everyone else did.
Well that is our story. Isla and her son Christian came to live with my husband and I. We introduced the kids to her and son ans they were happy to have new people on our lives. My daughter grace took a liking to Isla and Harry we call hawk took a liking to Christian. Isla finished her degree and now runs her own shop.She moved down the street and brought her a nice cottage house for her and Christian. She lives right down the road and she did as she promised people who had the same life as her with the same carer choice's now work as assistants and appertience's. She does tattoo's and piercing 's now. That is our story. always give back when you help other's in need.