

1 .T H E N I G H T M A R E

📌 A new beginning
A piece of art and its a trial
A new novel series "purpose of my life"
Thanks for all the support till now
hope you guys will enjoy it bcoz you guys have great taste😊
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Happy reading😊

Chapter 1

Suddenly, a white luminescence* came through and blurred my vision. I could see many angels enclosing me, and they closed my eyes.
The next-day morning sunlight tints* through the balcony, succulents* are about to dry, each corner of my lodgings* shows the absence of mine. The coffee machine is at rest. A voice statement went on from the manager that ‘it is about a month after your sick leave, if you don’t join tomorrow, you should be fired. Innumerable* phone calls and door bangs, no one to answer. After a couple of hours slight murmuring at the doorstep. Probably they might be my allies*. After some time, Harry ran towards me and checked my pulse rate. His face went gloomy. First of all, let me introduce them, meet Dr Harry. He was specialized in neuroscience, and that person who ran after Harry is Juan who brought the spare key from the reception, she is an artist, and that idiot standing next to them is Jordan who is a software developer. Suddenly, they picked me up in an ambulance.
Suddenly, a blare* breaks my dream before I recognize what it is. Within a blink, the door knocked, and my alarm turned 5 together, and it made a cacophony*. I woke up and searched for my eyeglasses, and after some time I got them from my mattress, but, unfortunately, one of its legs is broken. I took it and somehow put it on and opened the door.

to be continued....

luminescence= light
tints= shades
succulents= moisture packed plants
lodgings= Apartments
Innumerable= countless
Allies= friends
Blare= loud and unpleasant noise
cacophony= unpleasant mixture of loud sounds


Next chapter

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