

The diamond necklace
Once upon of time there was this princess Jasmine she had this diamond necklace it made her turn into what ever she believed in . one day she went to the jewelery store and she saw a diamond necklace that looked like hers and Jasmine wanted to but it the where she can give it to her best friend so she bought it and she gave her best friend her necklace and she kept the one she bought because Jasmine thought it had the same powers as hers so one day she went to try it out and it didn't work so she told her dad about the situation that she was in her dad was mad but he didn't understand why she gave her bestfriend the one she had. So one afternoon her bestfriend said I wish I can be a beautiful princess and the that night she turnt into a beautiful princess and the princess Jasmine went to her bestfriend and she told her friend what her necklace would do to her and then Jasmine noticed what her necklace did and then they traded necklaces but Jasmine's bestfriend was still a princess so princess Jasmine told her bestfriend to ride to her house with her and Jasmine's dad might be able to fix it. When they go to the house they noticed princess Jasmine turned evil and dark she started being mean to her bestfriend so her bestfriend called Jasmine dad and they was both evil even all the villagers that lived close to them. Jasmine bestfriend didn't know what to do so she screamed and said "MY NAME IS CHLOE AND I AM JASMINE'S BESTFRIEND" and she dreamed that for no reason but that night everything went back to normal and no one had a clue what happen except for Chloe she knew and remembered excatly what happen. *5 years later* princess Jasmine and Chloe came so close they started calling each other sisters but one day Jasmine went to her father and said "can you somehow make my sister a princess to" her dad said "you know how hard that is going to be" Jasmine sighed and said "yeah but you can do almost anything" so her dad chuckled and said " ok tell her to come here" so princess Jasmine went and got Chloe and brought her to Jasmine father and he sure did turn her into a beautiful princess. The next morning Jasmine's dad started to get I'll and Jasmine knew exactly what is was from so she and Chloe would take care of her father and they tried everything to keep him from getting worse but unfortunately he passed a 1 week later they had a beautiful ceremony and princess Jasmine and Chloe took over the village they made sure no one else got sick but one night Chloe started to get sick so princess Jasmine new that she had exactly what her father had so she didn't give clothes no medicine she just let Chloe set in the bed with it being so hot Chloe thought she was going to die but 2 days later Chloe was up and running again her and princess Jasmine went to church to get food to go feed the homeless they let the homeless every weekend they milk the cows they fed the sheep the horses the cows and the donkeys Chloe and princess Jasmine both lived in the castle they both had a wonderful life but princess Jasmine have one little secret she was keeping from Chloe and that secret was she killed her father by giving him the medicine she did the reason she killed her father is because she knew if he died her and Chloe would be able to rule the village and the castle her and Chloe to do a very good job on everything that they needed to they had a wonderful life they grew up like sisters and they would tell each other that they would always love each other.....

THE END!!!!!!
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