

The End
I noticed her not wake up by me..... There seemed to be nothing on the news besides advertisements of products to be bought... Man this portable microwave looked cool.... I hate thinking about using the microwave at work.... Today I'll just do the same thing I been doing all week I guess....
Flaming hot munchies and a coke cola.... As I walked out from the trailer I noticed the dogs not follow me out....But maybe they must be asleep.... I don't want to be late to work anyways.... I crossed the street to walk down the path to home depot... I work as a janitor and from 5:30 in the morning to 12:00 in the afternoon.... As I finally headed down the road... I noticed that the tractors from the Walmart distribution not in motion.... I wonder if they're just in a meeting.... As I continued to walk all I could do is call Briana.... I wonder why she never came home... maybe shes having an affair..... As I made my way to the alley way.... I began to speed walk because I noticed I was taking up time.... Suddenly I heard growls coming from the freeway up hill.... I never heard such thing so I remained quiet and the more I did the more I noticed the noises getting close.... The sun wasn't up still so what could be seen approaching me were glowing eyes... And too me... that's no good sign.... I went from speed walking to running like I had no time to slack off to get to work.... I looked back an all I could see is a group of dead covered in wet blood.... My route to work contains gates on one side of the streets... I ran towards the garden area of home depot an as I approached the parking lot.... Everywhere the silences of dead stares looked upon my way.... A female employee that doesn't know I exist called too me loud saying that I needed to run to the opened gap of home depot's main entrance.... I ran as so many dead bodies chased me like my ghost was going to burst out from my corpse....
As soon as I got closed she panicked and closed the door.... She had been apologizing.... An I had been sadder than a broken heart and a bathroom accident without a toilet or wipes... You get the point.... I knew I was going to be eaten alive.... I seen a forklift with some keys in it but I knew that wouldn't get me far only if it were my grandma's walker....
I seen a small opening from the rental department and as I made my way these dead beings began to try to pull thru....
I was sweating and crying and hoping the bathroom wasn't like the way it is outside.... Three employees asked me to move... My supervisor Ernie pulled me by my shirt while the others slammed the shelf to the ground....
The dead seemed very mad and very frightening so we closed this part of the store so we wouldn't have to hear these noises.... An as soon as we closed it a huge glass noise came about and all we could hear is female screams.... An suddenly they were so many of these dead beings they all looked the same covered in blood with glowing white eyes.... The employees at the front gate began to run while few were being eaten alive... arms and limbs and agony in they're screams.... My supervisor advised that we'd run towards the ladders that lead to the roof... We made a run for it no doubt about it...
One the employees got on a forklift and had the balls to tilt the aisle but forgot that the steel he was fucking with couldn't be moved.... The dead surrounded him and dismembered his arms and legs with every bite....
I was able to open the maintenance room to let whose left of us in.... This door had no knobe so I could not close it.... My supervisor said he could lock the locker room from the inside... So I changed route and headed towards the dining room.... An the entire home depot suddenly seemed to set ablaze of fire from the garden to the exit and the entrance as we took a glimpse making our way....
I was confused.... some how amused but then just drowning in anxiety... I only knew my supervisors name so I couldn't really tell you anything about the others I felt for the dude on the forklift but better him then me....
Ernie said he had a secret to reveal and as odd as it was for me to hear him say that he was....
He took out his keys and made his way towards the darkest part of the lockers in the dinning room.... Me and the two employees seen the glare from the light hitting his glasses.... I knew he was up too something....
I was excited... hoping he'd have a solution!!!!!
I heard a wrapper and something being opened and before we knew it... He popped out a fucking Suzie Q....
His secret was hiding food in his locker... An now I'm kinda even more pissed... This fat fuck sees us at the brink of our deaths and all he does is bring out a fucking CUP CAKE!!!!
I scram at him and all he could tell me was that I'm fired.... I looked him and said it wouldn't keep me from shoving my foot down his throat... An out of nowhere a huge explosion began to be heard and it got louder and closer and before we knew it.... The entire dining room had shook with blaze fire.... having two of the employees crushed to they're deaths by the ceiling.... I didn't see them anymore... The concrete on top of a lot of blood dripping on the bottom..... I didn't know they're names I felt for them... But then again... I'm glad it wasnt me.... Or maybe.... I had a metal pole impaled into my chest between the middle of my waist I was thrown to the floor by the blast that killed the two employees.... Ernie on the other half had two poles impaled thru his knee and the other thru his throat.... The ladder to the roof was visible and my movement was somewhat still intact.... Ernie had not one word to say besides slowly dying and closing his eyes.... I began to hear growling again but this time.... These fuckers were getting up even on fire.... I gripped my palm on the floor and rapidly removed myself from the pole with so much pain.... I limped all the way to the maintenance room and began trying to climb.... so much pain... so much has happened and I haven't even clocked in or heard from Briana.... I never witnessed death like this now all I wanted to do was just get up to the roof.... As the dead struggled in flames to get up..... I began to make my way up the dead got closer and before I knew it my foot was grabbed by a dead being.... I was out of strength to fight I was okay to die at this point and before I can let go... Ernie with his hand wrapped around his cut throat rammed him self towards the dead being leaving him to be ambushed by a swarm of the dead all he could say was that I was promoted while screaming to his death....
I quickly made my way up not hesitating.... An closed the door from them to reach me...
Finally I could breathe somewhat fresh air with smoke all over the area..... The worst thing happened besides this... An this was my phone broken in my pocket during the explosion....
All I wanted to do was come to work and clean some shitty toilets.... Man... What a day.....

What to do now??? (While thousands of dead beings surrounded the home depot) & (While the entire store blazed in smoke)..... To Be Continued, The End
© Eyesinthedark