

Things I do for love ( part 5)
“ I knew, this would happen someday! What happened to him?”, she yelled at Joseph.
“Mithra! I didn’t expect this. Please stay calm”, he replied.
“ please, don’t scold him”, he pleaded. Both rushed to the hospital. They were really worried what has happened to him. They saw a doctor coming out of the operation theatre.
“nothing to worry. He has a minor injury in his head and a few sratches all over his body. He’ll recover very soon, you can discharge him tomorrow. Pay your fees in the counter, sir!”, the doctor said and left. Both went inside and Satheesh saw his parents coming in.
“sorry, pa!”, he cried.
“it’s ok. You should’ve been careful while riding. So…what about your love?”, he tried convincing him. Satheesh was speechless and he just nodded his head saying, “no!”.
After a deep breath, Joseph said, “ it’s alright. Let her go. She’s not interested, right? She doesn’t deserve you. Leave her…”, he said.
“no dad! She loves me. I saw it in her eyes, dad! She is restricting herself. She’s killing me every second daddy!”, he cried hard. Both of them did not know how to convince him. Mithra hugged him tight and he believed that everything would be alright. He looked at Joseph with tears. Joseph could not control his tears, he went outside.
Satheesh slept holding his mom’s hands. Mithra came out and she saw Joseph sitting over there. She hugged him consoling him. Mothers have to convince all their kids at any tragedic situations, including their husband.
“she’s too hurt, Mithra! I can’t see it!”, he sobbed.
“Joe! You have to be bold, now. He is already hurt so bad. You have to cheer him up. Come on, let’s go…”, she convinced.
“Mithra! you go home and stay there. I’ll take him home tomorrow morning”, he said.
“fine, be safe! No crying, baby!”, she hugged him again and left. Joseph entered the room again and sat on a chair nearby. He was looking at Satheesh sleeping so calm. He comforted him massaging his head and he was really worried for his son.
“daddy! Why are all these girls doing this? They love people but they never express. How is it possible, dad? They have all their reason ready at the moment, why are they so much frightened? They can’t even live the lives they need, then why do they live. Just for other’s sake or what?”, he was furious.
Joseph smiled at him and started, “it’s not out of fear, my son! It’s the responsibilities, they’ve got to do. We, men…the head of the family are used to do anything of our own and we’ll try to manage it, even you have proposed her that day. Did you think of all this. What if I had not been supportive, it would’ve been still worse and still we do it, but women… they are something else. They use to think a lot for every action they do and even a small mistake will ruin their family and that is why we worship them.
Nothing is equal to motherhood. They bear all of us for ten months, literally all those days. They carry us with lots of love and we come out tearing them up. People don’t understand all this. The way, you treat your ladies in life will show up your character. I was raised in such a way and you too have to know it. There are a lot of things hidden in their single refusal…”, he finished.
“you were so lucky, dad! You had everything you need. You had nothing to feel. Look at me, how unlucky, I am!”, Satheesh cried again. Now Joseph had to open up…
“ Nothing is easier in life, Satheesh! you have to fight for it to pursue it. You have to know something, now. Myself and your mom, we loved a lot but we didn’t know what’s gonna’ happen. All our wonderlands in the college was over and your mom, she was really brilliant. Of course, she got through a bank exam in few years but I was unemployed. By the time, they were looking for alliance in her house. I had lots of complications and I had to get through all of them.
Am a Christian! An unemployed young man son of a lawyer. I had love on her and else. Mithra informed that she had been forced and she called me, home. I clearly knew that they would insult me, however but I went there. THINGS I DO FOR LOVE! I had to hold her when I had no other go. I went to her house, I approached them. I tried convincing them but they never considered me. They looked at me as an asshole eating shits. I could see only their faces all around me and you know something, I loved them all and their hairstyles. They never respected and they literally hit me out, really strong Brahmins…”, he left a pass and Satheesh was action less. He continued,
“they said that am no match for their daughter, the same words… I can’t do anything and could not explain them but I never opened it up even to your mother. I tried convincing my parents, the royal mints….even they did not understand my feelings. They were so clear that she’ll never enter lord’s fucking house. Did any of our gods say that inter-caste marriages are wrong? All these have been created only to make people united and no to divide them by religions. Of course, we live in this country where these bastards sell their unity for the waste land. All of this is just the superstition, but we would proudful everytime hearing that our country is a secular country looking at all the muslims as terrorists.
Let me finish this. We tried our best in our houses but they were never convinced. They did not want us to me happy together fucking their religion. After a point of time, we fled out. Literally, we ran away, entering into this city without any support. Your mom, had a job here and I was unarmed sitting inside the house everyday. We were not blessed with a child too. Your mom had never asked her for days and I decided to do something earning pennies.
You’ll not believe me…I’ve worked at places where you would hate to enter. I have worked at many places irrespective of my qualifications. I would earn little amounts everyday and I was happy that atleast I could contribute something. I have also worked as a waiter in that restaurant where you and your friends use to go regularly!”, he smiled and continued.
“your mom, she held my hand so firmly at the college and she never left it at any situation. One day, a message reached us that her parents were dead and they were no more. We clearly knew that all of that were only because of us but she never reacted. She just hugged me close making my shirt wet for the whole day. Whenever I have a confusion of thinking that have we done something wrong, her hug would me my drug convincing me everytime. Such a bold women, she was…
Nothing changed in our life until we had a step to do. I started preparing for the government exams. I struggled a lot and I knew our family situation. Am a boy with lot of fortunes but I left everything behind for her. Of course, she left her parents into that list. She’s something else, man!
Finally, your entry into our life…Mithra was pregnant and I was the happiest man in the world and at the same time I got through the TED exams. She was about to deliver and I had to be with her at that time but I got a call letter for the interview at Chennai and I had to go. We had nobody so close to us at that time, we were alone. The only support, she had was me...myself. I was not beside her at that instant. I was waiting outside making preparations to impress the people at the interview panel. I had nothing else in my mind.
You started playing games within her stomach. She had very high pain and she was alone. I left her alone running for life. She left home alone and she tried getting to the hospital nearby herself. She managed to reach the hospital with lots of pain. She fell all through the way rushing towards the hospital. She had no welcome there and finally she got admitted.
I returned home happily in an urge of surprising her that I had made the interview very well. They had a shock for me. All our neighbours informed me what had happened… I rushed to the hospital and I could see lot of blood all through the way. They were operating her inside and I was broken. I could see blood all over her body wherever I kissed. I sobbed hard and I had lot faith not in gods but on humans. They did it and finally you were born…my darling! You were born…! Never be broken for this…”, he sobbed looking at him.
“your mom! She made me…she made me proud with a small lion cub making people respect me…everything in our life started well only after your arrival and everything is good till date. Your grandparents never turned up and we feel for it everyday…”, he finished
Satheesh was motionless for a moment. He hugged his father crying, “ sorry,pa! I’ve disrespected you many times and I’ve never done anything for you people till date and look at me, am making you depressed by my love… I’ve never understood you both all these days…”, he buried his face on his shoulders.
“it’s ok…time to sleep, my baby boy!”, Joseph tried to make him sleep. Satheesh was feeling guilty about his behavior all these days. He was thinking of all those terrible days of his parents. He really wanted to do something useful instead of making them worried. When they were outside, he saw his parents sobbing so hard and now he had decided to get rid of all this shits. However Nila was tickling at some part of his heart.

“knock! knock!”, Satheesh knocked at the door. An old lady opened the door. He entered into the house pushing her aside. He looked all around the house. He looked at all the photo frames on the wall and finally settled on a sofa!
“greatest singer of all times Mrs. Jenifer! And the best criminal lawyer with a greatest service Mr. John Michael. Where is your son? Is he dead? You have only his childhood photos that’s why am asking you”, he continued.
“who the hell are you? Get out of the house, now!”, John yelled.
“the same dialogue….nearly twenty years ago, you said the same thing to your son, Joseph. He thought he was good for nothing and you chased him out! He too went out of anger. Did you know how did he eat and how did he manage other needs? You won’t care about him because he loves some Brahmin girl. How selfish! Even if you had fixed a girl for him, she would have not been so understanding like this… but she did.
You know something, you son ! that manner less fellow you thought of… he comes to your Church every Sunday with lots of love but he’ll always stay at the place where you leave your slippers. That’s the place, you have given him but they worship you everyday.
What did they do? They just loved each other right? Did they commit any crime or what? They made it so clear that everything must happen only with you people but you never considered his desires. That’s why they went on their own way. They are not like such people living together just like that. They proved living and now they are an example. Your son, Joseph is a Physics teacher and your daughter-in-law, Mithra, she is a bank manager! Very surprising right! And do you know who am I? grandpa!”, he sobbed.
Both of them had lots of shocks and happiness and once they heard it, both rushed and hugged him. They were apologizing and they had nothing to do! There was a flow of emotions all over.
“how did you find us?”, granny asked him.
“grandpa is really famous, here. Everyone knows him, better you can try Politics, grandpa!”, he commented. They laughed and granny asked him, “did you have something to eat?”. “very hungry, grandma!”, he said and all of them went in…
“knock! knock!”, this time in Joseph’s house. He was really busy in his phone call. He opened the door. He was shocked to see his parents at his entrance.
“hey oldman! Shall I come in?”, his mother mocked.
“maaa!”, Joseph ran towards her and hugged her.
“am sorry ma! Am not a good son ma! Sorry am!”, he continued and he saw his father.
“how are you, man? Are you obedient? Where is my daughter?”, grandpa enquired in a commanding tone.
“han, pa! come in….”, he dragged.
“don’t act too smart! Your son, my grandson Satheesh is more smarter than you. All these days I abandoned you but we were thinking of you every second. Sorry da! If he had not come to our house, even this would have not happened!”, he apologized entering the house.
Joseph could not believe that Satheesh had done that. He was searching for him everywhere. He went out searching for him. He was pushing his bike so hard into the house. Joseph ran and lifted him yelling out of happiness. He carried him into the house.
Mithra came out of the kitchen and she saw them standing all along as a family. She was alone at the other end. She had the memories of her parents and she just had tears to convince them. She rushed and hugged them.
“Mithra! am really hungry. Do you cook well?”, both granny and mom tried entering the kitchen.
“ma! A strong coffee for me!”, Joseph’s dad asked. Mithra was really happy that they had finally accepted them and she was out of her world. There was a lot of fun that night and everyone went to sleep after their dinner.
“thank you, Joe!”, she hugged him.
“your son have done all this!”, he replied with pride. Both entered into his room and they jumped onto his bed. Both hugged him hard and kissed him at his cheeks.
“hey! Look here, my baby is having beard, now!”, Mithra mocked. Mothers feel their children to be babies all the time and all these stuffs would be bit of surprise for them. Most of us won’t understand them at times hurting them so hard where they feel more pain than their carrying period!
There was a bunch of laughter that night and they were about to sleep. It was 12AM and at that moment, “happy wedding day! This is my present for you. You have struggled a lot all through these days and I have never understood you guys. Here after, you’ll never face obstacles and I’ll solve it if anything bothers you. I love guys!”, he finished.
They felt that though he was small boy, he had made everything to make them happy. They were happy about him and they saw themselves in him.
Joseph said, “ the biggest happiness of one’s life would be making others happy. Am proud Satheesh!”, he finished. All of them were heart filled and they were on but still Satheesh was off…

The next day, he went school with lots of confusions but he was clear that not to disturb her anymore. He entered the class and he saw Nila struggling to pick up a note from top shelf. Of course, she was short. Satheesh helped her take the note.
“Satheesh, are you doing well. Do you have any pain”, she asked out of empathy.
“am alright”, he replied thinking that “you have not even a second to think of me all these days”..
“Satheesh, convey my wished to your parents…”, she started. All these girls use to do this often, they would make up conversations forgetting whatever happened in the past and I hardly understand how they do it.
“yes!”, he nodded.
“what’s you plan, Satheesh?”, she asked.
“nothing big”, he said and left. He did not even face her and Nila could understand what he felt like but she had nothing to do. She tried talking to him and Satheesh tried avoiding her all the time.
“what’s wrong Satheesh? why do you do this? You don’t need me to disturb you, right? Fine!”, she countered.
“am a poor actor, Nila! I could no longer treat you as my friend. I could not act around as if nothing had happened. It’s paining, Nila! am trying to come out of it. Give me some space. I don’t wanna’ hurt you anymore. I loved you, am loving you but you didn’t want it right? It’s alright. You’re important for me, more than you what you need is also important to me. Am not gonna’ disturb you anymore. You are free now…nobody’ll bother you anymore. You’ll not have all tortures all day and you can reach your van peacefully. Am done, Nila! am done. You need not betray you father and do whatever he says. Oh, sorry I’ve commented your father…”, he was continuing.
“Satheesh, you know that I could not be without you, I mean without talking to you.. why don’t you understand me?”, she yelled.
“Nila! that’s enough. All these days, I’ve lost myself trying to understand you. You need not change for me. I’ve stayed away from my friends and family just because I had to spend time for you. Have you ever thought of it. We’ll be together when you are free and I should make myself free for you. It’s lame, Nila! after knowing all these, you had space for me and what should I think of this shit? Is it friendship? I know, what friendship feels like. You force me everytime saying that we are friends everytime although I had no intention towards you.
Don’t act too smart Nila. You think that you are gonna’ be the best daughter for your father and you’ll win it, but as a girl; as a sweetheart you’ve failed Nila! if you had real feelings towards me, this gap between us would have not been so long this way. I had an injury Nila. you never turned up, I had lots of pain in my heart than on my head”, he continued hitting his own head.
Shall I make it clear for you… you need someone to share all your daily activities in school and you used me. You can do it better with your friend, Suba! She’ll match you well at all of it. Even only I know, how controlled I am! I considered you as my better half Nila! even now I feel you everywhere, that’s love for me and that’s me. Let’s finish it up Nila! this is our last day at school and this is our last evening. I’ll not appear infront of you anymore. All the best for you exams!”, he finished with tears…This time Nila could not resist herself. Once he finished, she slapped him.
“what did you say? What did you say?”, she slapped again.
“I went along with you to make someone accompany my daily activities? Really? What do you about me? Han? What do you think of yourself? Do you think that only you have got all these feelings? Even I do! Do you think, I would have not come to hospital to see you? I came there, Satheesh. you were happy with your father and I didn’t wanna disturb you. Do you know how much I felt that day! I was broken Satheesh. And yeah! Today is our last day, our last evening. Do you want this to be remembered? If you need that, then let it be. I’ve always been with people where I am comfortable but I never used you Satheesh”, she sobbed and continued.
“I… I love you Satheesh! this is what you want right? Yes, I love you so much but even now am not ready for it. I just wanted you to know this. And you know something, you’ve never understood me!”, she came closer and kissed him at his forehead. All her tears wiped off all his anger. Satheesh could not figure what he has to do…
“Nila!”, he yelled but she never stopped. She ran looking at him with her sharp eyes and she clearly knew that it would end up like this. Satheesh was looking at her van leaving the school and he was standing there for a moment. He felt like everything was gone. He returned home.
“what happened, man. Is everything alright? Why are you so dull?”, Joseph asked.
“ nothing, dad! Just exam tensions”, he replied and went into his room. He locked inside and he started crying and he was really frustrated. This time he could not share his feelings with his dad because he did not want all their happiness to be disappeared all of a sudden. So he decided to sacrifice and he was tired of proving his love to her. He tried forgetting her and at some point he was consoled. The only thing bothered him was that he had left the girl who loves him.
Basically all these sacrifices are so simple to the youths of today’s generation. You can see all their pain in their faces bearing everything for their family. We could come across them in every food delivery boy and those IT professionals trying to make something useful irrespective of what they studied and the same happened here…


© arvind