

Today, Sat, March 25th 2023, around 04:00, i had a dream. And in my dream i was laying in my bed and an Angel sat in a chair in my room, talking to me... And he was talking about a certain war and what it'll do to the US...
The dream was just about 3 minutes but it felt as if we talked for about 30 minutes because its like a lot was explained... though when i woke up the only thing i remembered clearly and which I'll only tell is that a lot will die in the war and that it will greatly affect the US currency. when he was like done i stood up and went to the bathroom... there the door opened and i got so scared, i thought something wanted to attack me because i was talking to an Angel but it was another Angel who looked just like a whitish humanoid figure and he carried me back to my room and layed me in bed. For the one who spoke to me am sure he was an Angel cause he said it when i wondered who he was cause he looked just like a man... he said " Am an Angel". then started talking about the war... he didn't say other countries involved but just talked about the US. Now, in case you wondering how often such happens to me... well I've had many dreams that tell me what happens before it does and i don't sit down to make my quotes, its just like someone tells me cause they come abruptly and mostly when my sleep is interrupteded in the night and am also equally astonished by them and always feel it that they didn't come from me. but this was one of the few dreams in which i encountered Angels and the only one in which one said he's an Angel.
© Dr. Tranqeelor