

"You told me..." but then...
... I forgot what you meant.

And deep inside, you forgot too.

Hi. Do you remember me? The person you chose to pester—I mean, befriend. You were quite the stubborn human being who never stopped sending me your amateur poems. It's quite a long time now but, I can still vividly remember every single moment of stupidity we did. The potions we tried to make thinking we were some sort of magical witches, the stories we shared and poems we wrote, the laughters and the banters. The happiness was pure and innocent as much as the little back stubbings that led me to realize, you were the kindest human being I could ever become friends with.

What happened?

You were the sunshine that dragged me out of the cave. Taught me how to smile, to appreciate people, to open up.

I was late to realize you could also teach me real heartbreak.

I ran away from love. I don't want to break my heart. I thought I was saving myself from risk. I was happy. I was sure I would never end up in tears and regret. But I didn't understand the depth of the truth that love can exist in many ways.

Friendship can break you too.

You were drifting away. And somehow I understood. I know myself beneath this skin. Hollow, cold, stormy—it is...