

New Variant has Perfect Timing
My claims in this story based news narration have no grounded backing. It is just a wild theory I cannot get out of my mind.
It is August 2020. The whole world knows that the futility of a virus vaccine is that it can neutralize the virus body only after the virus has invaded a host cell. For that ... the host cell must also die. And yet , to give up completely on the development of a vaccine is to accept completely that humanity has its limitations. And that can never be , or so we think , right ?
Why was a new variant discovered just after 1 month after the first covid19 vaccine was developed ?
Was it discovered earlier, but in a bid to ensure continuation of government funding for vaccine development of current strain, its presence was not revealed to the public till just now ?
Or do the pharmaceutical companies working on the vaccine fear that the unhindered funding from governments will be cut down a bit, now that the vaccine creation process has completed the last stage of trial ?
Another theory is that the current vaccine is not as efficient as they say, and they only claim that this vaccine is 95% efficient so that the general public are convinced to get vaccinated . Maybe this vaccine is in reality only 60% effective and in cases where the doctors and scientists are sure that the vaccine treatment will not work on the new patient , they will blame it on the new virus strain . It can never be the fault of the vaccine , right ? In that case, public faith in these institutions would go down.
Such conspiracy theories can die down only when a global-wide server / ledger amalgam is brought into effect to sustain anonymous whistleblowing. The truth should never have consequences.
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