

Static Darkness (Chapter 1. Incomplete)
Chapter One
Shrouded In Darkness

A socially awkward high school teen, more prepared for the final exams instead of human contact. Some how adopted by a group of populars. I could almost smile thinking back to these simple times, but a name rolls off my tongue. A name that haunts me. A reminder of why I'm here, in these caves. "Hey Jake, looks like we got more wounded incoming. Think Cap'n gonna send us in next? Pepper is craving some action." Johnny said proudly, holding his rifle up. John wasn't much before Operation Dawn Hammer. A Private First class with something to prove, now a battle hardened Sargent and probably the most reliable partner to my squad. Got the nickname of Death's Reapers, unsure if its from the numbers of the devils we killed or most of the squads we were assigned to died. "Eh, fuck man. I really doubt that we'll get to see shit. Cap got us working on this bullshit barricade. Like due, the fuck is this gonna do? Those fuckers can climb the ceiling. Thinking that we have ourselves one of those dumb assholes who are book smart instead of battle harden vet, like us." I said with a sigh. "Anyways Johnny, the fuck are we gonna do anyways. It's like five klicks before we reach a nest, and we got about an hour left before their hibernation cycle is over. Not gonna do us any good, especially if these fuckers decided to sieg us once again."  "Yeah, I guess you're right man. But fuck, it's boring as shit down here. I mean we got enough auto turrets to light any big nasty the fuck up." Johnny said, half winded by the hundred-fifty pound turret he picked up. It's been about three weeks since we've been set up on barricade duty, our Captain's doing. "The fuck is wrong with you two, you disregarded my orders and blew up the support tunnel." I mimicked to make Johnny laugh. "Dude, you should become a comedian after this shit is over. You did a good impression of Cap'n, not to mention that dark shit you come up with." "Maybe, I don't even know if I can return back to the surface, let alone home. Shit is too difficult, especially after eight years. I'm no longer that teenager like I once was." I said hesitantly, almost broken up by the idea of how long I've been gone. I've been on the surface about a month ago but I couldn't bring myself to ever travel home during my break from duty, usually the reason why I sign an early return form. "Shit dude, I forgot. My bad. Anyways, maybe shit will be different. I won't push the idea but I do hope to go home again soon." Johnny said, apologetic. I shrugged it off, went back to work. He looked me over once then got the memo and started to bring more turrets over. I wasn't a man to hold shit against Johnny, he always had my back and I always had his. Even he knew that home was a sensitive topic for me, never spoke of it or I avoided speaking about it. He knows the basics of my family. But other than that, he didn't know anything about my past. Done on purpose, old memories I'd rather forget.

© theillusivewriter