

The Maids (Part 10)
Part 10


Intro: It is the night of the feast, the king welcome Lord Everly in front of respectable guests and some commoners.

KING MARTIN: come uncle, sit beside me.

LORD EVERLY: (he smile at the Queen) my Queen, you still remain as beautiful as ever. (He kiss her hand)

QUEEN REBECCA: you flatter me. Please sit and let's enjoy the feast
(Lord Everly sit beside the king and the feast begin with lots of entertainment from the commoners)
(The king excuses himself from the feast and walk towards the maids chamber).

KATHRYNE: (she sight the king and quickly pay her respect) my king (she bow)

KING MARTIN: Rise! (He hold her hands and smile softly) why are you not at the feast?

KATHRYNE: I'm sorry my King, I had some chores to attend to in the maids chamber.

KING MARTIN: (He holds Kathryne's hand and walk into an empty room)
(He placed his lips on hers, holding her buttocks).

KATHRYNE: (she try to speak but the kiss was too long, that she swallow down the taste of the king's mouth before she was able to withdraw) My king (she breaths heavily) I don't think this is right, I am a virgin and no man has ever laid hands on me. I'm afraid you will abandon me after tonight.

KING MARTIN: How can I leave such beauty? Give yourself to me and I will make you the finest woman in Northsay. You will never regret it.
(He push her very close to himself and kiss her breast down to her belly button, he untie her gown and lean her against the wall).


(The Queen calls her lady in waiting, Talia).

QUEEN REBECCA: (she whispers into Talia's ear) Have you seen the king around, he left the feast about an hour ago.

TALIA: (she speaks softly) No my Lady, should I find him?

QUEEN REBECCA: (she look sad) No.

(Talia step behind her).

LORD EVERLY: (He address the Queen) I am sure the king doesn't like partying. He must love to stare into the maiden's room.

QUEEN REBECCA: (she speaks furiously) Lord Everly, you speak of the king like a lustful commoner.

LORD EVERLY: forgive me, I was just trying to make a joke, I guess I over stepped my boundaries.

QUEEN REBECCA: (she gets up) since the feast is almost over, I shall retire for the night. It is nice to have you back.

LORD EVERLY: (he bows to the Queen) Thank you, and do have a wonderful rest my Queen.