

What is space?

Space holds many secrets. It contains places where human beings can be stretched into spaghetti shapes,or boiled ,or frozen solid; that's why astronauts wear protective clothing in space.Welcome to a mysterious-and endlessly fascinating-world.
When people think of space,they think of :

Weightlessness - everything floats as if there's no gravity.

Nothingness - vast areas of space are completely empty.

Stars - every star is a burning ball of gas. As like our Sun.

Astronauts - people who explore the world beyond our Earth.

Rockets and satellites - are what scientist use to explore space.

Silence - there is no air in space, so there is absolutely no sound.

On a cloudless night,you can see thousands of stars. Space is the name we give to the huge empty areas in between the atmospheres of stars and planets. Apart from the odd rock, space is sprinkled only with dust and gas.
Space is black because there is nothing there to reflect light.From space,Earth looks lit up because light from our Sun reflects off sea,and land ,and the particles in our atmosphere.

Space knowledge is so vast and interesting .How space is expanding daily ,a new things come to our front daily.But "HUMANS AND SPACE ARE INTERLINKED FROM THE CREATION ONLY".

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