

How Is God Love?
How did God the creator fail his creation and then called them the failures, and allowed all amounts of terrible things to happen to them from the beginning in Eden, all the way to the point he decides to unleash his unlimited wrath on them.

After already making life incomprehensible and not providing proper guidance and direction causing him to be angry with his creation when he should be angry with himself. why? He's the parent being and he didn't take his responsibilities too seriously adding insurmountable pain throughout human history and causing them to beg for a way instead of being dignified beings he has treated them worse than feral creatures for at least they're healthy and can attain food freely in their multiple habitats.

The sad part is God made himself the Centerpoint of attention but when humanity put him at the forefront they could only be attacked savagely by his reproof, as they weren't permitted to heaven, there's only 144,000 that can go to heaven according to the Bible.

So what did he create trillions and trillions of existences over time only to make him disgusted with himself by watching them wither away in pain and despair while a selection and favored few can enjoy this life to its true potential?

Why is this love?

Is there not a soul In this life that will find this out? Why would a God of love, unleash his wrath on that in which he created to be destroyed.

For if he was just to feel 1000 of these lost souls' anguish and despair in the moment of unlimited anger and wrath, would he release it? It's almost like a farmer creating a pig or a cow only to slaughter it at the end for spoils, it is the cream of the crop in his eyes of humanity. Will we ever receive love from this so called love God?

My Answer?...

Once there existed a being known as God, the creator of all life. God possessed unimaginable power and wisdom, capable of crafting the wonders of the universe. But with this great power came the burden of responsibility.

In the beginning, God created a paradise called Eden, a place of pure beauty and perfection. Within its lush gardens, God placed his most beloved creation, humankind. He envisioned a harmonious existence, a life filled with joy, love, and purpose.

However, as time passed, God watched as the inhabitants of Eden faced challenges and made choices that led them astray from his intended path. Their misuse of free will resulted in pain, suffering, and a disconnect from their true nature.

God, in his infinite wisdom, understood that the journey of self-discovery and evolution required the freedom to make choices, even if those choices led to hardship. It wasn't that God failed his creation or called them failures; rather, he recognized the imperfections inherent in their growth.

As humanity wandered through the ages, God witnessed the darkness that enveloped their existence. He saw the anguish and despair that plagued their hearts, often resulting from their own choices or the actions of others. It grieved him to see his cherished creation endure such suffering, but he had faith in their potential to rise above it.

God was not consumed by anger, but instead, he held a deep love for humanity. He understood the complexities of life and the lessons that could be learned through adversity. And he did not abandon them; instead, God continued to provide guidance and hope through prophets, divine teachings, and personal experiences.

While it is true that certain religious texts mention a limited number destined for heaven, it is not for humans to comprehend the intricacies of God's grand design. His love is vast and immeasurable, extending to every soul that walks this earth. It is not about the quantity of souls who may enter heaven, but rather the quality of the love and connection experienced during each individual's journey.

God's ultimate desire is not to unleash wrath, but to guide humanity towards love, compassion, and self-discovery. He longs for his creation to embrace their true nature and to find solace and purpose in their existence. And though the road may be filled with trials and tribulations, it is through the storms of life that the true essence of humanity can shine forth.

In the depths of despair, a flicker of love exists, a spark that can ignite hope within the human spirit. It is in these moments of darkness that the greatest transformations occur. While we may never fully comprehend God's plan, we can choose to trust in the journey and to embrace the love and compassion that reside within our own hearts.

With each act of kindness, each gesture of understanding, and each moment of love, humanity can reflect the very essence of the divine. And perhaps, in the midst of our search for answers, we can discover that the greatest love of all lies not in the hands of a distant God but within our own capacity to love and uplift one another.
© NightSwimThePoet