

Who Are The World's Richest People?
Well, I wanted to know this for a very long time. After some research, I found out the answer to my question. Now, who are the world's richest people?

1. Jeff Bezos · $185 Billion
2. Elon Musk · $177 Billion
3. Bernard Arnault · $173 Billion
4. Bill Gates · $130 Billion
5. Mark Zuckerberg · $127 Billion

After reading my answers in great satisfaction, I had another question in mind. How much actually is $1Billion worth? The first thing I did was search the number up. The I counted how many zeros it had, and it was more than I could count. It looks like this: 1,000,000,000. Nine zeros. Now another question popped into my mind. How many millions are there in a billion? After searching it up, I found my answer was 1,000. So, now I understand my numbers, in every billion there is one thousand millions, and Jeff Bezos has a whopping $185 Billion! How do you get that rich?

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