

The Hello Man Chapter 8: Against SATAN
All the sudden outside the church The Hello Man screamed extremely loud as if he was in pain. The ground began to shake. It began to rain dangerously and thunder strikes was shooting out of the sky. The Hello Man closed his eyes. The priest asked the other priest how The Hello Man will become stronger. The priest replied, "His strength will be two times stronger, he will see and hear better and he will have the power to open gateway portals to Hell and the Underworld." The priest then asked the other priest how he knows so much about The Hello Man. The priest answered, "I see visions about him and I heard all the legends about him and that knife you just broke." All the sudden it stopped raining and the ground stopped shaking. Just when The Hello Man opened his eyes, looking at the church, the hole church exploded. The Hello Man walked into the burning church and picked up the two pieces of The Anti Blood Knife. When he picked the pieces up, both pieces just disappear. A golden gun appeared in The Hello Man's left hand and a golden axe with a long handle appeared in his right hand. The Hello Man opened his wings and flew into the sky. He vanished through a orange burning gateway portal. He landed in front of a huge hill. On the hill was a golden throne. On it sat SATAN, the god of Hell and the Underworld and king of all creatures who lives in those places. Next to SATAN stood a demon who looked like a reaper known as DEMO. All the sudden SATAN yelled at The Hello Man, "You, you can't be here, I banned you from this world you mortal flesh psycho!" The Hello Man said back, "Yes, It appears that you did banned me from these worlds, but the mortal's soul you banned is now long gone, I now have my real soul which you didn't banned from these worlds you Old Rotten Demon Flesh Skum Bag!" SATAN got mad and told DEMO to finish his job what he should've had done earlier. All the sudden a golden scythe appeared in DEMO's right hand. DEMO teleported in front of The Hello Man and sliced The Hello Man's neck. The Hello Man smiled while he was he was healing. The Hello Man threw his axe to the ground and punched DEMO's skull so hard that it broke clean off. The Hello Man took the head with his right hand. The Hello Man held DEMO's skull so hard that it broke into 3 pieces. The Hello Man then threw the pieces to the ground. He picked up his golden axe from the ground and looked up at SATAN. SATAN was now extremely mad. SATAN stood up from his throne while saying, "Fine I'll kill you myself". The Hello Man walked forward to SATAN's derection while saying, "So be it." A huge golden trident appeared in SATAN's right hand while he was jumping off the hill. When he landed in front of The Hello Man, he punched him so hard that The Hello Man went crashing into a small hill. The Hello Man stood up and bagan shooting at SATAN with his golden gun. The bullets were white with steam coming out of them. SATAN got hit a few times. He yelled at The Hello Man, "Holy Bullets, are you mad!" SATAN threw his trident to The Hello Man's left hand and the golden gun fell out of his hand. A golden sword appeared in SATAN's right hand while he was running towards The Hello Man. Just when he wanted to cut of the The Hello Man's head, The Hello Man sliced of both of his arms with his golden axe. Just when SATAN was starting to grow back his arms, The Hello Man cut his head clean off. The Hello Man stepped on his head and then broke of both of his horns. All the sudden SATAN's head turned into fire and then it vanished along with his body.The Hello Man was now god of Hell and the Underworld and king of all creatures in those places.


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