

How Ordinary Dreams Sparkle: Letters from the Heart of the Middle Class (Letter 1)
Dear Universe,

I feel immensely privileged to be your chosen child. You have always blessed me with more than I deserve. Despite coming from a background that wasn't very affluent, there was always an abundance in my life. My childhood was like that of a princess, filled with cherished memories. I owe it all to my wonderful parents, whose love and sacrifices knew no bounds.

Though we often moved from one rented accommodation to another, my parents never faltered in their commitment to provide me with the best education possible. Their dedication has made me a self-sufficient individual today. Now, it's not a burden for me to buy a home for myself and my family.

I want to express my deepest gratitude to you, Universe, for making my dream of homeownership a reality. Every time I see the house registry in my name, I feel overwhelmed with joy and humility. I feel truly blessed and special. Please accept my gratitude a million times over.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Universe.

Warm regards,
#gratitude #universe
© Haniya kaur