

It's essential to teach children about sex, but where to begin?
Explain to the child that sex is a natural process. However, there is a certain age for that. The questions from the children could make you uneasy. Never hesitate to give them the right response. Provide details based on their age. You can provide an example to further clarify them if needed so that they can connect with one another. The process will persist as children get older.

Sexuality and sex are still spoken in low voices in our Indian families. As a result, most teenagers grow up without proper sex education. They are harmed when they obtain inaccurate information about sex from unreliable sources. Sex education is very important during adolescence. But how to begin it is more important. Find out how to raise your child in a secure atmosphere and teach them about appropriate sexual behaviour.

1) Speak directly

As weird as it sounds, have direct conversations about sex instead than indirect ones. The most sensitive period of your child's life is throughout adolescence. They are curious in the changes that occur in their bodies and the different questions that pop into their heads. Both the internet and friends can teach them a lot. But the only people who can properly educate and inform children are their parents. Discuss the health of a baby's reproductive system and fertility.

2) Let the child know their boundaries

Setting the boundaries is your responsibility, even though it's vital to teach your kids about sex. Inform them that having sex is feasible when a person is both mentally and physically prepared. Not by any coercion or temptation. Nothing that friends encourage you to do is right. It's important to feel at ease and give consent when having sex. Teach teenagers the right and wrong aspects of sex.

3) Inform them about sexual orientation

In our society, heterosexuality is accepted and normal. However, there are LGBTQ individuals in our culture as well. Tell the youngster that individuals with this particular sexual orientation do exist. Make sure they don't feel anything negative towards them. The child won't think negatively about gender as a result.

4) Give correct information about periods

Families usually do not discuss periods with girls. Although mothers inform girls about it following their first menstruation, boys are not told about it. It is time to break this tradition. Although this subject is covered in biology class, there isn't a formal discussion of periods outside of the classroom. If the child's parents provide them with appropriate knowledge at home, they will comprehend that this is a normal process. There is nothing wrong or hidden about it. Girls who are aware of this will be able to select the correct period-related products because they will be knowledgeable. Again, if boys are properly taught this, they will understand girls during menstruation and will refrain from making fun of them.
© Dr. Tulika Sarkar