

Lamput's Dream

Lamput was a curious and adventurous creature who loved to explore the world. He had a knack for finding hidden treasures and secrets in every place he visited. He also had a vivid imagination and often dreamed of wonderful things when he slept.

One night, he had a very pleasant dream. He dreamed that he was in a beautiful city full of pretty houses, flowers, hotel rooms, and a lot of computers. He felt happy and relaxed as he wandered around the city, admiring the sights and sounds. He entered a hotel room that was spacious and luxurious, with a comfortable bed, a large TV, and a mini fridge full of food and drinks. He decided to stay there for a while and enjoy himself.

He turned on the TV and watched some funny cartoons. He laughed and smiled as he saw the characters do silly things. He opened the mini fridge and took out some delicious snacks and beverages. He ate and drank to his heart's content, feeling satisfied and content. He then noticed a laptop on the desk next to the bed. He was curious about what it could do, so he turned it on and started to browse the internet.

He was amazed by the amount of information and entertainment that he could access with just a few clicks. He learned new things, played games, watched videos, listened to music, and chatted with other people online. He felt like he had discovered a whole new world that was exciting and fun. He spent hours on the laptop, forgetting about everything else.

He was so engrossed in his online activities that he didn't notice that something strange was happening in his dream. The city that was once bright and cheerful became dark and gloomy. The houses that were once pretty became ugly and dilapidated. The flowers that were once colorful became black and wilted. The hotel room that was once cozy became cold and creepy.

He also didn't notice that the things that he enjoyed became hostile and dangerous. The TV that showed funny cartoons started to show scary faces that made him scream. The mini fridge that contained delicious food and drinks started to contain disgusting food that tasted like garbage. The laptop that connected him to the internet started to attack him with viruses and malware.

He realized too late that his dream had turned into a nightmare. He tried to escape from the hotel room, but the door was locked and the windows were barred. He tried to turn off the laptop, but it wouldn't respond to his commands. He tried to wake up, but he couldn't.

He was trapped in his nightmare, with no way out.

He wished he had never entered the hotel room.

He wished he had never turned on the laptop.

He wished he had never dreamed of this city.

He wished he could wake up.

But he couldn't.

The end.