

Movie review
Movie Review
Varumayin niram sivappu delivers the real face of the world where even when a youngester is having the capability to shine But, the correct path is not given by the society. Yes, this movie reveals the truth of all the youngesters who is facing the issue of unemployment even in this era of generation.
The movie expresses the untold feelings of every single unemployed person who is suffering to get a job and have a standard living. Still many people are not have a standard job to run behind daily bases of their life its because we are in such a society where sometimes an individuality is not noticed by many groups and all lose their own capabilities.
In the opening of the movie, all the M.A. graduates will be sitting in the road and begging for money, it's the bitter reality that it has been shown in the year of 1980's itself the director Balachander, has recognized the present state of unemployment problem. The hero and his three friends will not have food to ear for their daily life because of unemployment they will not acquire a good happy lifestyle. They will act like they are very happy in this whole world but, they will hide their own poverty and the sadness behind their smile there are many untold feelings which will be shown beautifully in the movie.

Finally, this movie is a must watch for youth because this movie is about them and for them. Everything is in the way we look at things is the best message we can take it from the movie. It is a real lie true incidents that can provoke each individual to think of our society and they can feel the sense. Every youngester's thinking perspective will change at some point while watching this movie and it will surely make a change in our society.
Movie name: Varumayin niram sivappu
Director: Balachandran
Year: 1980