

Not my body ...continued
Chapter 2: The Guilt Trip

Nia jumped on her bed and switched off the T.V & her mobile.
She simply wanted to disconnect from the world. She lay on her bed staring at the ceiling and didn't know when sleep took over her tired senses.
Minutes turned into hours, suddenly Nia opened her eyes, her stomach was growling with hunger and her throat was parched.
Sitting on her bed, she looked at the clock above the T.V, it showed 5pm.
She pushed herself out of her bed and went into the kitchen. She made coffee and a cheese sandwich. She sat on the sofa and munched the sandwich hungrily. As she was having her coffee desperate knocks at her apartment's main door grabbed her attention. Nia heard her neighbour's voice on the other side of the door "Nia, it's me, Urmila aunty! please open the door. Are you okay? I just want you to know that I am here if you need any support. Nia, Nia ...please your mobile is switched off. I am really worried dear!"
Nia peeped through the keyhole, Urmi aunty was still herself, her body had not changed, there was no harm in speaking to her through the locked door.
"Urmi aunty, I am okay, just a bit dazed & confused after the news cracked about what's happening around the world. If I need anything, I will surely call you. Please don't step out of your apartment,
the virus is airborne and you should cover your nose and mouth."
Before Urmi aunty could voice out her reply, Mr. Bhatia's thunderous voice roared,
"What are you doing in the corridor, come inside the house or I will not let you in."
Urmi aunty cringed & rushed inside her apartment.
"This man is intolerable" I thought.
However my thoughts quickly shifted from their marital discord to the enormity of the helpless situation the whole world was struggling with.
I couldn't believe, I had dreamt about what was about to happen. If I share my dream with anyone, would they believe me? They would probably laugh and think that I am a pathological liar! However, I knew the truth. I, indeed had seen the virus outbreak in my dream.
"Am I a psychic?" thought Nia & rolled up her eyes.
She had to have control over herself. She just couldn't be cut off like an isolated island. She switched on her mobile. There were 200 unread messages!
She searched for news related to the virus. She was aghast as she read the precautions to keep oneself protected.
This situation required each person to wear a mask that covered their full face except eyes. "What a drama! Now, she would have to be masked like The spiderman!
However it was anyday better than being a hairy man. She switched off her brain as she didn't want to recollect her last night's dream where she had turned into a man. She picked up a packet of chips and stepped inside her bedroom & slammed the door shut. She switched on the T.V keeping the volume mute.
She was looking at the screen but her thoughts were scattered.
She kept the chips packet aside and quickly undressed herself. She stood in front of her full length mirror & stared at her naked reflection. She was felt shy looking at herself. Yes! She despised her body. She always complained that she should be one size lesser. Today, she looked into the mirror and couldn't believe the reflection that stared back at her, she was curvaceous, her smooth back tapering above her tight butt, her front accentuated her breasts. Her skin was smooth. Her long, thick, highlighted hair and her bright brown eyes. She looked amazing, undeniably sexy! She had been ungrateful. She was filled with remorse. She always cribbed about her looks. She had always been rejecting herself. Her mind was taking her on a guilt trip. Now, what if her dream were to be true, soon she would lose her body and she would be trapped in a man's hairy body! A shiver ran through her spine. It was not only her body, she had always been ungrateful. She never ever appreciated her job, as head of the team, she always was a faultfinder! She was a sourpuss, whining away her list of complaints. She had taken her parents for granted, a crybaby who never enquired about them. They would be concerned about her and she would complain that they were prying on her personal space. Suddenly, she felt she was the biggest manipulator, a control freak! Oh my God! please forgive me. I don't think I have loved anyone, I have never ever loved even myself. I have rejected myself as well as others and now this 'rejectovirus' is out there and it would certainly take over my body." A tear trickled down her cheek. Since last night, life had been no less than an adventure for her. Humans had broken the rules of Nature! What a turn the entire world had taken! This craziness was needed to bring some thrill in the mechanical world.....her thoughts trailed off


© Bindu
#Dystopia #story #Chapter2 #virus #thriller