

The Morning Routine of an INFP
By Emily E.
August 29, 2018

An INFP personality ready to start her morning. I’m an INFP, one of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types, so mornings go something like this.

Wake up. Decide to stay in bed for a while because it’s so soft and warm in bed, and outside the bed, reality awaits. Proceed to spend the next thirty minutes daydreaming.

Realize that you now have half an hour less to spend getting ready. Reluctantly get out of bed and stretch. Life is good. You have a whole new day to enjoy.

Catch sight of your bad hair day in the mirror and decide that life is not good. Brush hair, slowly and gently at first but then quickly and harshly as you lose patience. Brush teeth, repeating routine. Wonder why your breath smells so bad. Remember that you forgot to brush your teeth last night. Make a mental note to put a Post-It by the bed, reminding you to brush teeth before you go to sleep. Promptly forget mental note.

Shower time! Turn the shower on cold, because you read somewhere that cold water is refreshing. Turn the shower on warm, because not freezing is also refreshing. Start to sing “Hallelujah” with heart-wrenching emotion. Realize that you only know one verse. Sing “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” with heart-wrenching emotion instead.

Dry off and pick out outfit. Spend...