

The painting was yellowed with rounded edges. It was a masterpiece and it was lying in my hand. Wait, have I stolen it? I don't remember...at a
glance I remembered, that I've brought it from the auction.I packed my bags, and left the hotel for the local bus service. About 8 km from shimla is kiarighat. Bus arrived, struggling with my luggage, a local in the bus helped me. Just after I got comfortable, I saw the passengers gazing at me. For a while, I checked whether I've shaved or not, but the way by which they looked at me, made all the difference.
Finally I lost my patience, I asked the local sitting behind me. "Excuse me" he looked at me.Just like every typical villager, a blue coloured scarf and with a monkey cap, "yes, are you okay?!" he replied. "Why are they all gazing to me?". "Don't you know, this seat on which you are sitting is cursed!" he replied. I became uncomfortable, and was about to leave the seat, "Don't worry, this all is just non sense, I usually travel to the town in that very seat only!", he replied making me comfortable."Why cursed?!" I asked. "Everyone say, 7 years from now, a traveller like you died on that very seat, none were able to find the reason!". Listening to this, I decided to quickly leave after the stop arrives. Suddenly, my head smacked on the forward seat, I became unconscious and looked around, the bus was empty, no passenger, no luggage, nothing. From the window, I saw a beast like thing, staring to me like death.
I was about to leave the seat, something grabbed me from behind and started choking me.
"AHH!"..with a deep breath, I woke up. "What happened young man! did you see a nightmare?" the local asked. Making me comfortable, he offered water. "People say, the spirit can take any form, an animal, a beast, anything, but his favoured form is human" he replied. I became disquieted, I tried to stay serene."It's a saying, that the spirit take his victims to his place. Now you only tell, does he offer dinner or something or make them dinner?!" with a sarcastic smile, he told.After few minutes, the last station arrived. With a contentment, I said goodbye to him and left.
After walking for few meters, I realized that I left my phone, quickly rushed inside the bus. I saw the passengers, standing near my seat. What I saw the next shocked me, my dead body lying on the seat. I stepped back, a soft sound came into my ears, "Let's go home, young man!!"....