


Her hands wrapped around my arm, bringing me to a halt. She looked angry. She said we should go home because her mom will find her way back to her house by herself. What she said left me speechless. This wasn’t Marissa. This wasn’t the woman I married because the one I love will never say something like this. What had really happened between her and Evelyn? Marissa didn’t care about her mom’s life.

I yanked my arm from her grip and glared at her. I had never raised my voice at her, but in that moment I did. I couldn’t stand to see her anymore. Her presence irked me. I told her to go back home because I didn’t want her around me. When she tried to speak again, I simply walked away and left her there. At least, she can find her way back to the house.

My own wife didn’t care about her mom, how much more her husband? Marissa only cared about herself and I didn’t like that about her. I began to call out Evelyn’s name. The street was silent and I was happy they had fixed the faulty street lights. Evelyn couldn’t have gone far with those aching knees. Something was wrong.

Goosebumps crawled up my skin as I kept walking and running down the street. I came to a halt when I saw the lady again. Why was she still in the neighborhood at this hour? Without speaking to her, I walked past her and kept looking for Evelyn. Few minutes later, I heard a voice call out to me. I came to an abrupt stop and whipped around. This can’t be possible.

My brows furrowed when I saw her again. Is she a stalker or something? I decided to ask who she was and what she was doing in a place like this, but she didn’t answer. I asked her again and her next words left me shocked to the core.

She said I wasn’t going to find Evelyn because she’s dead.

When I had finally recovered from this shocking news, my hands grasped around her arms. Her eyes darted to my hands. Who was this lady and how did she know Evelyn? I went on to ask of Evelyn’s whereabouts, but she gave me the same answer. I couldn’t believe her words since she was alone unless she wasn’t.

She told me to let go of her if I wanted to know the truth behind Evelyn’s death. I began to contemplate on what she had said. A part of me felt she’d run the second I let go and the other part wanted me to respect her wishes, but I chose the latter.

It appeared that, she was in the neighborhood with her ex- boyfriend. They’ve been dating for about two years. She broke up him when she caught him cheating on her with one of his clients from work. He came over to her house with some flowers to make it up to her and that worked because she loved him. Everything seemed perfectly fine between them during their time together until she saw him having sex with an actress on her bed. That was the last straw for her. She broke up with him, deleted and blocked his number. She wanted nothing to do with him again.

Two months after their breakup, an unknown number contacted her and when the person spoke up, she realized it was her ex-boyfriend. He began to threaten her with their sex videos. Her reputation and job were at stake at this point. Her ex-boyfriend went on to invite her over to his place for dinner that evening. She had no choice than to respect his wishes, play by his rules and get over with it.

When she arrived at his place, he led her to the dining area. He offered her some white champagne, but she rejected it. He sat across from her and ordered her to strip naked for him unless she wanted their sex videos to be on the internet, but she didn’t do it. He wasn’t pleased with her answer either. So, he pulled out a gun from his waistband and pointed it at her. She had nowhere to go. She believed she was going to die that night.

Fortunately for her, nature was on her side. He dropped the gun on the table and ran to hide behind a sofa. This guy had brontophobia. She took this as her cue to escape from him, but he seemed to have recovered from his anxiety quite early. She ran down the street while she shouted for help and that’s when she saw Evelyn. She came closer to Evelyn and asked her for help. The second they tried to come back into the house, his car came to a screeching halt in front of them.

He stepped out of the car and pointed his gun at her. He told her to get inside the car, but she refused. He came closer to her, grabbed her by the arm and dragged her towards his car. Evelyn began to use her purse to hit him since that was the only thing she could do to help. The man released his hold on her and forcefully pushed Evelyn. She fell and groaned in pain. She ran to help Evelyn to her feet, told her to go back home and call for help since she planned on stalling him to buy her some time.

When she helped her to her feet, she told her ex-boyfriend that, Evelyn had to go back to the house since she’s hurt. He stared at them for a while and snickered. He pointed the gun at Evelyn and ordered her to get inside the car since he planned on taking her to the hospital without drawing attention to himself. She quickly entered the car without hesitation. He instructed her to sit in the passenger’s seat while Evelyn sat in the back.

Before she could even process what was happening, he opened Evelyn’s side of the car door and shot her in the head. He entered the car and sped away. She didn’t want to be associated with a murderer and she blamed herself for Evelyn’s death. She was able to escape from him by throwing herself out of the car. However, the car suddenly came to a screeching halt. He stepped out of the car and started walking towards her. He came to an abrupt stop when he saw something or someone approaching them. He rushed back into his car and sped away.
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