

Food is the basic and fundamental part of our lives. Young children need more energy in growing age. Poor nutrition also lower the expectation of life. Malnutrition is the most widespread form of nutritional problem among preschool children in our country.A majority of them suffer from varying grades of malnutrition.As many as 44% children suffer from moderate degrees of Protein Energy Malnutrition and 8% suffer from severe extreme forms of malnutrition. Scarcity of foods, lack of purchasing power, traditional beliefs and taboos about children often lead to insufficient balanced diet resulting in malnutrition, Malnutrition make the children more susceptible to Infections, slow recovery and high death rate. Scarcity of food as a factor responsible for malnutrition is still a serious problem . It is a problem of uneven distribution between the countries and within the countries." It is said that there will be very little malnutrition in India today if all foods available can be distributed in accordance with physiological needs."
..... .......... Puja Karmakar