

Devtaas and Himachal
In the eve of dusserah festival, kullu was glittering like a necklace over mountains of himachal. Like every place of India, Shri Ram was ready with bow and arrow ,aimed at Ravan. There were children showing tantrums for gifts , old and young were busy watching play. A group entered on the stage in colorful dress, and they started their traditional naati dance.

Naati has a unique significance which describes, the rhythm of love, expressions and coordination of steps. The catching factor happens to be the flow of moves, which shows the internal enthusiasm of pleasure in a human being. Bending their knees and waving their hands in coordination creates a blooming flower, whose fragrance is caught by public and ofcourse it creates a contagious effect.

One unique aspects this festival, was the meeting of deities. Local deities from different parts of kullu and adjacent areas were brought. Ballads say that they meet every year and people worship and follow whatever they say. Because people consider them as protectors and decision makers of localities.

There is no question that deities ,and concepts of God is prevalent in every part of world, and every religion. Some religion consider them as spirits ,others call them God. Every religion has a concept of good and bad spirit. Be it Africa , America or southeast , they worship good spirits ,and avoid bad spirits.

One who support logic and science ,denies their existence. One who felt or were affected by their presence becomes their devotees. In a nutshell Some call them unexplainable energies ,and this concept satisfies their mind in both logic and spirituality.

In India , irrespective of place, be in southern India, Rajasthan , Gujrat , Assam, or himachal , every family has their clan deities ,called 'kulista', one who protects their family clans, and were a living human in history. Some deities are local area deities, who were decided as their protectors of the localities. There are festivals, where they are called ,and these deities select specific person , through which they manifest their presence. Guides the people, and punishes them if required.

There is a good aspect to it, as it creates a balance and many evil deeds are avoided in the name of God. But sometimes it has enforced division in society and somewhere it uplifted inhuman practices , like isolating menstruating girls for the time being, accepting sacrifices of animals.

By understanding it all, somethings can be concluded. Like we know Shankaracharya, Swami Vivekanadna, Shvaji Maharaj, Sri Sai baba, and many more people who became living Gods. They seldom manifest their presence. Is it because their state of being and the level of energies they achieved ,were too high to be sustained by any living being?

Is it the reason, why some people have claimed to witnessed their presence here and there ,because they are capable enough to guide and sustain their intactness without any physical being. While some deities need physical bodies to manifest. Is it because their state of being needed more elevation in their levels to be manifested without physicality.

One logical explanation connects through the remembrance of the personality and their constant thought. It's like a shadow. Your character and your life, including your personality, leaves behind some foot prints of your energies like a shadow of time.

This time exists in a variable sense for everyone. It's depends on your clarity and strength of personality. The more strengthened your personality is, the more span your energy footprint lasts. If you are reminded amongst a group of people, with effect and clarity, your state of being in that form lasts longer. And get strengthened from time to time.

Physical bodies which have similar personalities from within, or who has clarity and piousness are good vessels for these energy personalities to get manifested. And when these personality manifest, there energy is too high to keep the person calm enough ,hence some people create vigorous movements and acts like spasmodic muscular movements. And one thing is clear that personalities are both good and bad in a sense. So we can figure out many explanation of paranormal existence.

You won't find a manifestation of physicality of Shiva and brahma ,because their existence is in the name of principles. The more you remember and make their energy state clear, the more their principles you attain in yourself.

There are still some questions to figure out, considering that everything we don't understand, or can't see ,can't be denied for their existence.
© Five Fifteen