

Shards of Memories chapter 4

Rhodonite: Help!! please!!!

Green diamond: huh? what's going on?

Red diamond: what's the matter Rhodonite?

Rhodonite: please!! we need help in the battle grounds!!! something's happening to fluorite!!

Green diamond: alright let's go!

Red diamond:(oh no, I am so worried about that new gem, I hope she's alright)

Rhodonite: wait!! where's Peridot!?

Green diamond: she is crazy busy right now! we just have to check it out ourselves!

*they ran as fast as they could to the battles grounds and they made it just in time*

Green diamond: Euclase! what happened!?

Euclase: her hands were melting and it froze her feet and then suddenly when I broke it she collapsed to the ground!!

Red diamond: oh no..fluorite are you ok?

*suddenly the arms of fluorite that melted suddenly formed a giant structure that attacked them and made a cage around fluorite *

Green diamond: what's that!?

Euclase: Its trapping her in!!!

Red diamond: we have to save her!!

Green diamond: Rhodonite get some back up and call peridot!! tell her it's an emergency!!

Rhodonite: ok!!!

*Rhodonite ran as fast as she could, she was so worried and she was panicking too*

Rhodonite: Peridot we have to go to the battle grounds!!! no time to explain come on!!!

Peridot: ok!!

*they ran back to the battle grounds*

Green diamond: phew....I thought it would be strong but its pretty weak

Rhodonite: Fluorite!!

Peridot: what happened!?

Euclase: her arms melted then all this chaos happened!

Peridot: let's get her to the fix tech department

*they brought fluorite who is still unconscious to the department*

(a few moments later)

Fluorite: ugh, what happened...?

Rhodonite: OMG FLO YOUR OK!!!

Fluorite: what even happened?

Peridot: your hands melted during training and you were unconscious

Fluorite: wait what!?

Rhodonite: yeah but for some reason your arms are back to normal now

Peridot: maybe your hands melted because that's your ability! if you were breaking from too much heat you would've shattered but you didn't so maybe its your ability

Fluorite: but I couldn't control it..

Peridot: oh! it happens of course you can't control it at first!

Fluorite: if you say so

*Rhodonite and fluorite went to the diamonds HQ *

Yellow diamond: oh fluorite I'm so sorry I couldnt make it in time to save you!! I was just doing patrol duty outside the gem zone and-

Fluorite: its alright yellow dia, its ok

green diamond: I have no idea what the heck was that

Red diamond: what we saw was new, no other gem possesses such ability as strange as that

Green diamond: can you control it?

Fluorite: no..

Green diamond: alright, your ability will be a danger once your in a real battle againts the serenoids and it will be a bit if a danger to other gems here as well. I suggest we teach her a few things that we know on how to control her ability! who is in?

Yellow: me!

Red diamond: me!

Yellow diamond: oh right, the other diamond aren't here

Red diamond: oh yes, they're doing patrol duty

Fluorite: wait..so your all willing to help me?

diamonds: of course!

Rhodonite: and me too of course!

Fluorite: thank you everyone!

Green diamond: although I'll ask the others if they agree with us

Fluorite: ok thank you so much!

yellow diamond: I'll be teaching you first, but we can start later, for now get some rest ok?

Fluorite: but what about the book department? I'm supposed to write a book by today

Yellow diamond: I will cancel it and you can do that some other time, for now you need to focus on how to control that ability of yours

Fluorite: ok

Red diamond: come to the garden with me and take a rest there! there's plenty of sunlight there! and sunlight is good for us!

Fluorite: ok

Rhodonite: well! I need to go help Chrysoberyl and yellow sapphire again! see ya!!!

Fluorite: bye!

Red diamond: alright come with me!

*they both went to the garden and to Fluorite's surprise there were two quartzes in the garden*

Smoky quartz: oh hii fluorite!

Rose quartz: hii!!

Red diamond: oh they are two of the members of the bloom department! meet rose quartz and smoky quartz!

To be Continued....

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