

English Project: Letter of gratitude #2.
Dear Point class,

Look how far we are. How far we got, together, with one another. Just look at us... I am happy for that, the way that we have strived and thrived like honey bees, like a herd of horses... We have had our ups and downs, the hard days and the easy ones. We bonded and mended broken pieces, whether in ourselves or in someone else. We constantly tried to be better, and while some failed, others kept trying.

Through trial comes triumph, I'm sure some very famous person said that, but that's not the point. The point is that THROUGH trial comes TRIUMPH. Any god fearing man would telling you that the Lord puts us through these tests because he knows we'll come out on top. Now, I think that's just mean, hitting a man or woman when they're down, but I guess if you only ever experience a certain amount of pain you'll never be able to handle the rest.

The way we, as friends, as family, as classmates do that, is that we confide in each other, hugging and crying, sometimes even yelling and screaming. The way we exert our energies to show one another we care varies from person to person, be it helping them even at the cost of your mental health, be it whispers over the phone at night, be it sending a positive message through our groupme thing, or any of a trillion other ways, we have been, will be, and are together. This is why I am grateful to you guys.


© Karia FelWell