

I think you should open your eyes.
February 6.

"Tell me, Jinn." I took a big bite of my onigiri. So delicious. "What does it mean to fall in love?"

We were sitting in the bleachers in the gymnasium during extracurriculars. It was pouring outside, so I'd decided against sneaking away. The gym was mostly empty, only us two and the cheerleaders who were practicing.

This was when I asked that question. February sixth, at the gym, eating onigiri with my best friend. It just seemed like every other moment, nothing special, but later I came to realize that from that moment I got everything I will ever need.

The dark-skinned boy turns his head to me with a small laugh. "Lola blew you off again, bruh?"

"Yup. She used the 'the green-earth club invited me for a meeting' excuse. That's when you know you're at rock bottom."

"Hey, chill, maybe she—"

"No. Don't even try J, that bitch couldn't give a damn about trees or the environment even if you paid her to."

"Probably." He paused. "Why are you dating her then?"

"Well... she was really nice to me my first days here. And everyone kept saying we'd be good together so I thought, whatever let's give it a shot."

Jinn whistled, his dark brown eyes trained on somebody on the court. "Reciprocity and social control. You aren't into her Heath, break it off."

"In February?"

"Best idea, actually. You can make room for someone new then."

"Mm.. ' I leaned forward, following his eyes. " You never answered my question though. The meaning of love. "

He chuckled, that sagacious way Jinn liked to chuckle. "You say it as if it's something casual, it's not. It's as beautiful as the setting sun, mysterious as a shadow. It pulls you like a black hole, and it dies as suddenly as newborns when it isn't given tender care. People say its not easy to find, but personally I think you just need to open your eyes."

"They are open. Nothing's new." I rolled my eyes.

"Then open 'em wider. Basic. " He reached out to ruffle my perfectly tousled hair, but I dodged.

"Whoa, dude. This -" I pointed at my perfectly messed up hair, "doesn't happen by accident."

Jinn squinted at me. "This is what you woke up with."

"I've been told my bed hair is my best hair." I smiled proudly.

"Who lied to you?" He asked, and I smack him for it.

© 2024 by ravenizcul