

phoebe tonkin
All the past children gone missing or died. A killer an murderer is on the loose, This all started in Florence outside of south carolina. In a place called timmonsville, After long day taking naps,eating food,showers and sleeping. All of a sudden a loud mysterous knock on the door but there is an expression goes do not answer the door ,nor open the door and invite someone inside the house. But chris opens the door there standing lurking in the darkness she asks hey chris can i come in please, but this is creepy i respond come on in. She steps the house all the way in chris closes the door, chris says can you hide in my room stay in there please? she responded ok she did. Chris opens the police replied hello chris i need talk to you i said talk fast. Chris aims the gun at her she looks down ok look let me explain. Chris says i know why your here are you going to arrest her guess your not bye! chris slams the door behind chris. and lock the door. Chris yells come out now your safe with me but he walks up phoebe he whispered i know who are and i don't care. Chris walks to the door he exits the house he throws stuff at the police and get other officers off my property. All police officers leaves the property. Chris comes back in the house he closes and lock the door, chris finds chains chris walks quickly he wallops phoebe. Pheobe falls onto the floor she has blood drips on the floor after chris tied 2 both chains on her penis and phoebe's mouth. Chris wraps both ends of the chain on his both each hands. Chris yanks the chain ''hard''. Phoebe is on her hands and knees, and he is on phoebe's back. Chris sits on her back he yanks hard again and again and once more. He keeps on yanking the chain, phoebe's dark evil-pointy eyebrows lowered. She makes disturbing yelling, screaming moaning and groaning. The chain rattling sound. She goes insane and mental, and pheobe stomping,thumping banging noises on the floor. She shakes her head and flaping her hair like an insane mental patient. Pheobe trying to aggressively going around and tries to aggressively throwing and bucking chris off her back. But chris stays on her back, he just signed his death warrent for this. Chris stays on pheobe's back like a postage stamp. Blood is spilling.