

Seduced by a vampire chapter 4
Gloria Pov

I hated this feeling that I felt towards the beast who realistically kidnapped me from the hospital, made me have sex played with me so much had some dominance that made me fall for him hard.
I rose up at 6am and found him gone breathing a sign of relief I wanted to leave this place but I knew he would find me.
Quickly getting up went to the bathroom finished doing what needed to be done and got dressed in a long tshirt and shorts that were his. I went downstairs to see him sitting on the kitchen stall. Walking passed him I grabbed the coffee taking sip that felt good.
Jumping I heard clives voice "Ready to go now?" asked Clive.
I just nodded back we left the house getting in his car we left. Later arrived at my place I got out and literally ran to my door relieved to see my place again got my keys entered started packing cos didnt want him breathing down my neck. I put all my personal items in my bag locked the front door and got in the car .
Was so quiet on the way back I actually was very glad.
Arriving at his he got out walked indoors grabbing my bag and running after him I shouted "Thank you so much for this" gloria cried happily.
"Your more than welcome I actually thought you left your manners but I see they are in fact intact ."he replied.

Clives Pov

Walking away from her I walked to my office upstairs. I went to my phone "Hello brother are you coming down.? ok see you soon bye. Putting the phone down I got up to my cabinet grabbing a bottle of whisky and a class I pulled myself and chunged it down.
"What am I going to do I cant fall for him need to escape" she whispered.
Mm interesting she is falling for me the beast that's what I am he giggled if she tries to my brother will actually bring her to me cos he will smell her. So love you can try.
Walking back downstairs I saw her making her dinner watching her cook some bacon was calm buttering some bread she turned looking at me "Would you like some bacon?"asked Gloria.
"No love you eat enjoy"enjoy"i said.
Heading to the lounge I sat down unbuttoned my first two buttons on my top and relaxed.
Ding dong the bell went I knew it was my brother he just wanted gloria to answer the door he wanted to see how she will react seeing my twin Michael.
"Could you answer that gloria?"
Seeing her take the last bite of her bacon she walked to the door and opened it she stood so still as she looked up and met Michael.
"Hello Miss what a pleasant surprise to have the door opened and a beautiful girl answers." Micheal flirt spoke.
"HiHigh Sorry Hello sir may I help you ?" Gloria just starred couldn't say another word or move.
Seeing Michael walk passed her and walk to me was cute she was still staring outside.
"Oh love where is my brother?"
She closed the door and stood by my brother and me waiting for me to say something. "You may go Gloria to the kitchen"
"Brother mmmm I see why you never came to the bar last night you have been busy" Micheal observed.

Gloria Pov
Hearing the brother say that and seeing him was quite a sight to see a actual twin and he was gorgeous I stood by the door quietly seeing them laughing and drinking together muscles bulging out of chests . Quit it gloria too many Male egos.
Looking up I glanced and didnt see them turning around I jumped as the brother was standing behind me "Love you dont have to stare so far away in here now'now' Michael replied.
Blocking me in he towered over me and smelled me and smiled I tried to move but was no use. "Brother stop teasing her"clive warned.
I walked to my room and layed down I cant deal with another nope cant sorry nope I starred at the celling and wondered what was in store for me for my future here.