

Will AI replace Human Intelligence in workplace ?
First of all a very good afternoon to our respected judges , guests and to all the audience . Today's topic is that AI will replace human intelligence. At first I have to remind that human beings invented AI, AI doesn't make humans . Yes we are very addicted to the internet and technology these days, in Trum buses work places even at home we relied on technology. As we are all management students we all know that we are going to manage the works of different departments of various companies , hospitals , travel agencies etc. If AI can replace human intelligence then AI also can replace managerial works , well the problem is AI may schedule and coordinate the works more effectively than a human but AI can't handle unexpected situations like if the schedule of a presentation is shifted earlier or if any employee gets sick and can't execute the work only a human mind can handle the situation.
Also , isn't it too early to forget about the old generations ? In my home there may be at least 4 people who don't know how to make online transactions? Or how to order something in Flipkart and Amazon. Yes there are still many young people like me who will like to read books more than watching movies or web series. That's why the publishing companies still exist . Henry Fayol in his theories explained how only actual situations can teach us to manage everything. It can't be done by running some codes.
At last I have one last thing to say that we are social animals so our target should be hitting peoples emotions. Remember that AI is a part of a society but society is not a part of AI .

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