

People come and go
          One day, there'll
                 be someone who
                       will knock on your

            a face or maybe faces with full of hope and joy, smiling right towards you. hoping you would open your door and let them step into your soul.

             One day, there'll
                  be someone who will
                      enter your pages.

           and may scatter inks and words on your own story. a chapter to tell together with them right by your side. a chapter that is full of happiness, emotions, love and compassion.

          One day, there'll be
                someone who will
                     splatter colors in
                         in your black n' white

                and will bring liveliness to your dull life. to show off what's shining inside yourself. they'll be a mere instruments to let yourself discover what's hidden within you.

      there will be someone or anyone who will invade your peaceful yet theatrical world where everything plays their own role and will find their exits as long as they finish playing their characters in your life.

&&. some will be at your first page, at the second or even in the middle but only those who stayed will remain 'til your epilogue or even after you close your book.

         and those are only few.
this is a prose btw.
© c'sinensis