

END OF NAILS (cont.)

...."coincidental," and definitely not "consequentially", I was tired, so used the wrong word when I left off with the story of the nails, if you know what I'm saying here.

....onto the finishing nails...

So anyway, I started with taking pictures of the two finishing nails sitting upright in two flat boards that looked exactly like any plain, yellowish tan colored boards you might have seen on walls holding knick-knacks or anything in homes. The shelves within mostly everyones lives. I'm sure weve all seen them before and maybe even have had them in our homes, as well, especially in our bedrooms as kids. In total, I had 4000 + photos when this photo shoot came to an end. But, I also shot videos and then took pictures off of the videos by stopping the videos at different points, and taking individual photos that I got from the videos I shot of the nails. I ended up buying 6 extra memory cards to keep the photo shoot going for unkown reasons that I would figure out later. But I kept on buying them and using them til something happened, which ended up making me decide to end this crazy picture taking frenzy I was on. There were 7 chips altogether that I filled up almost completely with the short videos, and those single photos taken from the videos. I would put the chips into my home pc, and then take pictures from off of the computer monitor.

As I was taking the photos, all of a sudden, around a 4×6inch, totally black creature suddenly showed up in or on my computer screen, preventing me from taking anymore photos. I looked through my phones camera lens and saw a menacingly looking rabbit with the like face that resembled a growling fanged tooth creature that I had never seen before. But its body was more like a buffalo's sticking way up with no tail. But still kind of kind of seemed rabbit-like because it was just sitting there crouched down like a rabbit does sitting quietly with showing very little bits of legs or feet. This thing didnt show front or back legs or feet at all.

As I was a bit startled by the thing suddenly appearing, I was also a bit annoyed because it was in my way. I tried pointing my phone/camera to the left side of the monitor screen and then quicker than I could see it move, it blocked my way in order for me to take a picture over on the other side. I tried over and over to get a shot of the screen with the thing not in view, but the lil sucker would move fast, zooming right in front so, it was over.

And then it came to me, maybe it just wanted to be in the movies, or take pictures of it. I decided to take a video of it. The second I started to make the mean looking lil thing a movie star, my monitor went black. But right away, it came back on. The problem was, the monitor only showed the start up screen, and not where it was before going black. I knew that I had gotten a few seconds of footage of the thing, but when I tried to access the chip, it said that the chip had been corrupted. It couldnt give me anything to look at. That really pissed me off to the point of where I wasn't thinking clearly inside of my head. I was seeing red with anger, so I tried another chip. Same thing, corrupted. I had put all, but two chips into it with the same result.

At the moment I had gotten ahold of myself, and quit trying all the chips, It suddenly occured to me that it might just be corrupting the only evidence I had. I told myself that I had better stop doing that immediately or I wouldnt have any cards left to use. So, I checked out each chip again a couple more times and all of them were done with. But at least, there were two left.

After that, I waited quite awhile, until I had gotten another computer, to see what I had left on the two remaining chips. I was so relieved to see all those pictures, at least, some of the good ones of the beings that had been communicating with me, were still there That's right! They got into my head.

The nails were guiding me to take that photo shooting time very seriously, from what I'm thinking. I didnt know why I was buying all those sd memory cards during that time, because they were rather expensive for such a thing to buy for really not knowing exactly why I was so compelled to get them. They cost around $10 per gigabyte, so I was spending $60 for only a 6 gigabyte card. I dont use memory cards nowadays, so I dont know what they go for now, but back when I was doing that, it was not cheap.

And by the way, I still have the computer that I did that photo shoot with, and the two memory cards. They are somewhere in my 10×25 foot storage unit I still have along with years of collectible comic books, a stamp collection, post card collection, knife collection, antique marble, semi-precious and non semiprecious rock collections, various antique furniture and smaller antique whatevers, along with items that Ive kept, which are worth money, are strange enough to be conversation pieces, like an ostriche egg, or are useful, yet are not easily found and/or routinely bought, like a three headed dragon glass top table with a crystal ball sitting between the three necks where they converge together just under the table top. Even though one of the necks are broken, its still still fixable. But everything of mine is accompanied by and with, or underneath, over, and/or above the many that have asked me if they could store stuff in there just for a short time. Yeah its plain to see that everyone sees things differently from everyone, especially the time subject.. I had just came to the understanding of this. It was like an epiphany just last night when this happened to me. Maybe it was meant to be because of this story being told. Ya never know.

As I was taking pictures of those, and just before that thing came in blocking me from continuing on with my picture taking, I was getting this semi-intelligable story from the nails, from what I thought. It didn't come all at once, like reading a book from start to finish, but as I took the pictures while looking at them, and while not taking pictures as well, I was getting fragments like a puzzle to finally be put almost together enough to be able to understand what was being communicated to me, somewhat.

The pictures were mostly of all the many different animals, and people that existed on a planet that was about to be burnt to a crisp because their sun was going supernova. Is what, I think they were trying to convey to me.

The people were kinda like us. There were politicians, from what I got from this, with a hierarchy kind of government that the pictures showed were dressed alot like us, had two legs, arms, hair, but definitely not the same facial features, except had eyes, a mouth, and some kinda different nose that pretty much sums up they were alien.

The clothes they were wearing looked like a strange looking suit jacket, like ours that ceo's or polititions...etc. have on, and, for their militia, theirs were a different color, slightly different from ours. Some were wearing kinds similar looking streetwear, the females also had dresses sometimes. It was something else but, truly believable.

They showed me their babies, their dead or dying, which some were emanating a bright glowing blue light from them while lying down on a bed. The same light I saw coming from the head of the nails.

I used to pick on them by shining my flashlight on them and bringing the light really close. They would sink down into their nail holes til their head was almost all the way into the wood. Then they popped out a little with their head shining with that same blue light. I think that made them angry, but I couldn't tell really.

There was also a shot of a woman with a small kid reaching up holding her hand heading towards what looked like was a bus. With their sun going supernova, the pictures depicting their story during this time had shown orange, like fire in the sky, and the landscape, kinda resembling the desert, was orange. All the pictures of the people were just like pictures taken of us with no background to see, like on a drivers license. I still have the memory card to prove this so don't be thinking I'm making all of this up. Or maybe I was imagining it and I'm in some weird psychosis within my mind, getting close to better so I can go home, thats if I can't find the chips in my storage unit, of course. I ran into them not too long ago, so I know they didn't go away with another storage unit I had before losing it. But thats another story.

Their animals were alot like ours, but some were kinda different, some exactly alike, and ones I had never seen before. Their horses were like our horses, some cats, and some dogs were similar to close to the same, but those ones I never saw were like something from a science fiction book about aliens with pets that a real book writer describes in such clear details as to have drawn that picture of it where you see what the author was writing about in exactly what he sees. Thats getting myself off the hook on this one, huh? Really, its just that, I know in the pictures there ain't any animals like those on earth but, all I can picture in my memory, is that menacing looking, big ass black bunny rabbit that kept moving as fast as light to block my picture taking moments that day. I just can't remember the other animals and what they look like in order to describe them. Sorry. But!! Once I find the pictures, I'll post some if possible. Thats if I get around to doing something before I die. Just kinda not too crazy about even looking inside the unit any time soon. I'm not in great or even good shape, and I'm fat and lazy, with very little ambition for doing anything. OK back to the story...

There was pictures of the bad guys and they looked evil. It was like they had dreadlocks coming off of their faces on each side. Not hair but part of their skin. Just not good looking gray angry looking guys.

I wasn't sure of the role they played so I assumed it had something to do with hunting down the nails, at first, or then it could have been the ones that nailed them to the boards, or the boards were their ship, or just found that the boards were copied with being the little shapeshifters, they could have been Or the bad aliens done something to them so horific that it was necessary to try to let me know this and warn us the were coming. I'm sure that I'm forgetting about something with this. If it comes to me and seems important, I'll just rudely interrupt myself and add it.

The one thing that creeped me out mostly was when I was done spending hours with these pictures of these things, and then leave my bedroom. There they were, everywhere inside the house and outside. I was seeing aliens. They were really large all the way to Itty bitty. They were in everything, everywhere. These visions would slowly quit appearing as time lengthened from time spent in my bedroom and left, until I went back in. I noticed this right away. I haven't seen those visions ever since then.

One day, me and my son went over to a cousins house that was having a yard sale. She was in the process of moving at the same time. After looking all around and even upstairs where her bedroom was, we finally found her downstairs in the basement. I had never been in the basement before this, so was fascinated to see that it was so big and had been turned into another home, with bedrooms, a kitchen, living room, closets, though, not too sure about a bathroom. After greeting her and catching up on her life as of latest goings on, had shown to her some of the nail and alien pictures. She quickly put a stop to my show and tell moment and with urgency in her, she told told us what she knew about the these kind of things, and had said that they were not aliens, but demons. She went on to say that we needed to get the nails as far away as we could, but do it slowly so as to not let them think that we were doing it. My son and I listened intently, believing what she had warned us about with these things could be true but, I was skeptical a bit more, at first until she went on to say that if we don't get them out of the house. We could become very ill, and maybe even die.

We decided to heed her warning. And placed the boards in the kitchen. For a couple of days, they were moved here and there, but eventually made it to the back door. It was my son who put the boards back into the garage. I guess that when we got help to give the wood away or throw it into the dump, because it all had to go by order of the zone enforcement dude, the two boards and nails went with.

The ending to this story doesnt stop here. Not quite yet because its somewhere in my house that i placed one of them. And it left with my ex girlfriends stuff when she came to pick up some of her stuff, after another break up. Yeah, I was mad at her still, but don't remember why. After we got back together the next time, I let her know that I gave her a goodbye present. The other nail was never seen again
after all the wood went away.

Just how one of the nails came back to my ass, was just where it stuck me. I was sitting on my bed, sometime in the fall, well after summer had ended, when I felt something poke me through my pants from the bed. I ignored it, until it stuck me so hard that it made me jump up off the bed and grab myself where that little prick pricked me in the butt. Looking down on the bed where I was sitting was a rusted finishing nail that looked like it had been in water for years. It was shorter, and came to its sharp tip tapering down at an extreme angle from the bottom side of the head. It just plain looked like it went through hell.

I saw a very dim blue color at its head, so knew it was still alive, although, sticking me in the butt, showed that to be the case, I'd say, but anyway, I didn't know what to do to help it, but after I did the first thing that came to mind, I think I killed it. Or maybe that's what it wanted. I took a knife to it by shaving all the rust away. It now resembled a totally different nail all shiny and new, but there was no blue light to be seen again.

I just remembered something else. Listening to the reports on the stereo about all the ufo sightings there had been lately, , I called the number I heard. It was to a radio station in california. I told them that I had aliens in my bedroom and they were little tiny finishing nails. I can't recall if I was hung up on or if they were nice and said good bye without cracking up laughing afterwards, as she yelled out to their station manager, while holding back her laughter the best she could, about her last call. I never got a call back .

The reasoning behind my cousins advice to me and its impact for why i listened and took to her warning so quickly is another story. Its alot shorter of a story but, Its time to make this come to the end of nails.