

Wolf trip (Part 3) Last Part...
Foxy knew it was the end of him.But instead he was greated by the dragon.Foxy was confused for a moment and said"why aren't you eating me?"The dragon replied "Eat you?"The dragon had a laugh for a momment."did you think that I was gonna eat you?"he said."well yeah.. I read lots of stor.. "Let me just say that the books lie" he said we are just mystical beast that would not even hurt a fly" Foxy asked Why he was there.the dragon said that he saw some Giant birds picking at you so I decided to take you home where they couldn't get you"now foxy was understanding that dragons are harmless creatures and that they don't do what they do in books."I think I can heal that scar of yours real quick ok?" he said "Sure"Foxy said in a low voice.He watched as he saw a bright light shine on the scar and saw how it disappeared quicker that ever."well that should do the trick"he said.Foxy and the dragon talked and talked about how they where alike and not alike."Well I think that I should be getting home soon"foxy said "want me to fly you home?" he said "sure" foxy said. As he climbed onto the back of the dragon he felt like he was a flying Angel soaring across the sky.He felt the smooth breeze and the fresh air all around him.As soon as they landed foxy gave the dragon a hug and asked if could come over more often the dragon agreed and they waved goodbye to each other.As soon as Foxy got home his mother was standing at the door waiting for him. She saw his blue eyes And ran up to him and gave him a big kiss and hug.And they lived happily ever after.