

The Weight of Forgiveness
Beneath the scorching sun, I sprinted barefoot upon the rough gravel road, tears welling in my eyes and my stomach churning from the excruciating pain of the hard kick I had received. I ran with every ounce of strength and breath I possessed, driven by desperation.

As I approached the middle-aged woman diligently sweeping the terrace of her house, I cried out for help, my voice hoarse and desperate. She paused briefly, her gaze falling upon me, and her words pierced my heart like daggers.

"Just let him kill your father," she uttered with chilling indifference, her voice devoid of empathy. Her words carried the weight of a curse, as if she yearned for the old man's demise.

Panic-stricken, I turned and raced back home, my heart pounding with dread, praying that no harm had befallen my father. The sight that greeted me shattered my hope.

Standing menacingly at the door, a sharp object clutched in his hand, was the man who had inflicted this torment upon me. His mouth spewed a torrent of curses and threats.

In the corner of the room, my father cowered, his weathered hands trembling uncontrollably. His eyes, once filled with strength and resilience, now held only emptiness and fear. "Don't open the door," he pleaded repeatedly, his voice a mere whisper.

The man I had once revered as a pillar of strength was now a mere shadow of his former self, reduced to a terrified old man at the mercy of his own grandson.

Years have passed since that fateful day, yet the vivid images remain etched in my memory, the imprint of his fear forever ingrained in my heart.

News reached me that the man who had caused us such suffering had fallen ill, his body ravaged by cancer and a host of other deadly diseases. Now, facing his own mortality, he was confronted with the weight of his sins. The realization of his wrongdoings dawned upon him, and he was forced to grapple with the concept of family.

Gripped by fear and the agony of his condition, his voice trembled as he begged for mercy. The man who had once freely hurled abuse and threats was now a shell of his former self, incapable of the boisterous outbursts that had once characterized him.

As death loomed closer, he remembered his Creator, the one he had neglected and defied for so long. Yet, when he attempted to rise and pray, his frail body failed him.

Only now did he seek forgiveness, a desperate plea uttered in the face of his impending demise. The man who had never once felt a twinge of remorse for his actions was now reduced to a supplicant, begging for absolution.

Can I forgive him?

Can I erase the bitterness that lingers in my heart, a legacy of my father's silent pain?

Should I?

© 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑧𝑎𝑤𝑖𝑐𝑐𝑎