

Unexpected Love

"Why is it so bright" this is what ailee said when sun light directly hit her beautiful face. And she buries her face more into the pillow.

"Ah...Ailee wake up before I kick you off from the bed you are getting late to the interview......" alisaa shouted from the kitchen.

Despite her sister's threat ailee didn't open her eyes and completely ignored her. But soon she found herself being kicked off and she landed on the cold floor. Since alisaa is the woman of her words, She won't hesitate to imply that as well.

"Sisss.....why did you do that...it hurts ahhh....oh my pretty ass.....sis you are so mean......ahh"ailee said. But alisaa was laughing mess because of her little sis reaction.

"Told you... to get up but you didn't listen. Now go and take shower before I kick your ass once again".

" Meanie..." said ailee. " What did you said"asked alisaa before she could be caught her, ailee ran off to the restroom.Alisaa laughed and went away.

When ailee came out from the bedroom, she was suddenly hit by the delicious smell of strawberries which was her favorite. She greeted her sis and started eating the delicious strawberry pancakes. Alyssa is an excellent cook who is working in a three-star hotel which is quite popular. Ailee was a brilliant student because of that she was allowed to study in one of the most prestigious universities in France where they are living right now. Ailee and Alisaa are living alone in France since their parents are in Canada. They both came to France only because of ailee who got a scholarship for her excellence.

But their mother is not happy with they decided to live far away from them. But still, they managed to convince her for the betterment of their lifestyle since they are not rich to afford such huge expenses.

Ailee was yet to complete the final year in MBA. She also did some professional courses in accounting which is UK based. She is very talented that's why she got the opportunity to work in one of the biggest companies in Europe. When she got a message from that company she was jumping like a monkey...she could not able to control her happiness. Alyssa was so content for her sis that's why she didn't even hesitate to kick her butt so that she can attend the interview.

" Hey sis what if I didn't get selected, " ailee said with pouty lips. Alyssa smiled at her and said, "You are too talented to get reject.Moreover even if you didn't get the Secretary job, you could get another job which is next in the hierarchy. So stop getting worried for mere reasons idiot".

" Yeah....you are right sis. I'm getting worried for nothing. By the way, how could I forget, I'm the coolest kid in the university, aren't I?"

"yah....don't be a narcissist monkey...And don't forget to dress up professionally...You are going to interview not a fish market. Now Go and change these baggy clothes of yours" said alisaa.

"But sis I like to get dressed in this way...." said ailee

"You better go and change your dress before I drag to do so" threats alisaa.

"Okay fine I will change it" bluntly said ailee with pouty lips. Ailee came after getting dressed professionally by wearing a coat which is not that perfect since ailee always likes to wear comfortable clothes, so she often ends up buying baggy clothes. She is a tomboy so she will prefer comfy clothes who does not care about her appearance.

"Oh...my I forgot to tell you something yesterday someone stole my mobile and ran off.," said ailee

" WHAT! why didn't you told me about that yesterday itself?... Did you chase him or her whoever that person is? Tell me " said alisaa.

"I chased him sis but I dumbed with an old lady who is carrying a large number of flowers in the basket, all got scattered in the road so I need to help her since it's my mistake. That's why I couldn't able to chase him or else he will be crushed in hands for stealing my phone...Ahhh I need my phone" rambled ailee

" Oh, my Almighty....don't worry I will buy you a new one....okay... I have saved some money for the outing but it seems like we need to spend it on buying mobile" said alisaa

"Thank you, sis," said ailee happily.

"And we should report it to police before someone misuses it," said alisaa.

"Yeah.....But sis I will do afterward" "No you have to do that after attending the interview......Don't be this lazy ailee, This laziness will lead you to the greater troubles "

"Sis......okay fine I will do that," said ailee.

"Good.. sooner you do lesser will be the risk, Did you understand?"

"Aye aye Captain," said ailee.

Both ailee and alisaa got into the car and drove off to their destination.....who knows maybe...


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