




What would you do if you were in a situation like this? A guy in front of you tries to commit suicide, and you try to convince him but end up forming a mysterious bond with him. Well, that happened in my life. Yes, in this shitty life, sometimes miracles can also happen. Let me tell you about my story with this mystery guy!

My name is Casey Della. I am not a special one. I have nothing in particular - not a badass, cool, or beautiful. I wonder what I am! Sometimes I feel like my life is pointless. Yes, finally I turned 18, and then I got admitted to college. I won't make friends. The best thing about me is that I am good at academics. Then all I have is Nick.

Yeah, let me introduce him. Nick is my family friend and the same age as me. He is a very talkative person and he is meant to be perfect. Wherever I go, he is always there. We were together in childhood. The most interesting thing about him is that he is only interested in being with me. As a gloomy person like me, it's too boring. People hate me for that, and I treat them the same way. So my only social connection is Nick and his dad, Mark. He is a doctor and the best friend of my dad. My parents are about to divorce, so the homely atmosphere is terrible for me. But I know they both love me the most and they are trying to hide the fact about the divorce. So, for me, everything is pointless.

In these circumstances, for a change, I got admitted to the famous college. College life, huh?
This part of my life is very interesting.
However, the most annoying fact is that Nick is here with me. Sometimes I don't understand this guy at all. Nick looks like an idol, and even boys and girls worshipped him like a god in my previous school life. It's so stupid. That guy is actually talented, and I feel kinda jealous. But he loves to stick his nose in my business. As usual, I will ignore his existence completely. That's all I can do because I AM NOT INTERESTED IN HIM!
For me, friendship is also pointless. I am fine by myself. Then classes started, and as usual, it's a boring life. Teachers praise my academics, and mostly students and teachers are worshipping Nick again. I bet he is also enjoying this. But I still don't want to get involved with him. After that, I didn't know my life was about to encounter a person more troublesome than Nick!

So, it happened on Arts Day. Everyone was busy with all the activities, but I was roaming around the classroom and buildings. Social gatherings always bother me. So, to get some fresh air, I went upstairs. It was the old college building. Anyway, why do I feel chills right now?
I spent a little bit of time there and then decided to go back to my class.
Then suddenly, I noticed someone was there... a guy? What the hell is he doing?
I just peeked at him. It seemed like he was standing on the edge of the rooftop. Anyway, it's none of my business. I tried to open the doors upstairs, but something didn't feel good. I felt like I was drawn to that guy. I didn't see his face, but suddenly I remembered something. Long ago, someone committed suicide in this college. After that, I heard that this college is haunted. I don't believe these bullshit stories, but that guy was standing in the exact position rumored around the college.
What is he doing?
I stayed back and watched him silently. Suddenly, a chill passed down my spine.
Is he trying to kill himself? Shit...

Damn, what should you guys do if you find yourself in a situation like this? You probably have three options:

1. Try to convince him.
2. Rescue him unexpectedly.
3. Ignore him completely and let him be.

But I can't follow the third option, so naturally, I tried the first option. If it's not working, I will have to launch a surprise rescue on him, man... This is a pain. Then I began to talk to him.

"Hey... It's too dangerous to stay there, and suicide is not the solution to your problems," I said. I was staring at his back when suddenly, that guy turned around. Wow... What a handsome guy. He has beautiful eyes, but they are filled with surprise. It's like he was frozen, looking at me in astonishment.

Ahem, I tried to talk to him. Then suddenly, that guy burst into laughter. I was shocked. What the hell is he laughing for? Don't tell me that wasn't his intention at all? He is laughing like crazy. I had an embarrassing moment there. This is why I hate talking with people. I got angry and tried to walk away from him, but suddenly, I was pulled by him.

"What?" I shouted at him. He was surprised and replied to me gently, "I am sorry." For the first time, I found his puppy eyes very interesting. I couldn't help but notice how handsome he is. Wow. "Hey, bring yourself together, Cassy. Don't let your mind fall for his puppy eyes," I thought to myself. There will be a war inside my brain, my devil version and angelic version. "Quiet," I shouted inside my mind.  I calmly looked into his eyes and replied, "It's okay." Then I walked towards my class.

Hours passed, and the arts day is finished. I have a habit of leaving class when everyone in the college is gone because I love the quiet atmosphere here. It's weird, but today I find it very strange. When I got out of the class, I heard someone saying hello to me. It's that suicide guy. I was surprised, then I tried to ignore him. But he didn't give up. At that moment, I shockingly realized that this was the new beginning of a troublesome relationship between me and him.

Geez, it's getting troublesome.
I just stared at him silently. Actually, he was talking to me nonstop. I am regretting it now!
Geez, I dug my own grave.
While I was walking, he was with me.
I thought he was going to accompany me, but this guy annoyingly kept talking and didn't let me go.
At the peak of my patience, I shouted at him, "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?"
Then he smiled at me calmly and pulled me towards him.
"I want you to be mine!" he said.
Those words were enough to make me blush.
I was frozen, then I heard Nick calling out my name.
While I was looking at Nick, he was staring at me suspiciously.
I asked him, "What?"
Then he replied, "What happened to you? You look like a tomato!"
Tomato? Then I looked at the side where that guy was standing.
But it was completely empty. Soon, I reached home. Time had gone by, but that night I couldn't sleep because of those stupid words he said!

After that day, I met him again. It was the same time as yesterday. He laughed in my face and commented on my dark circles.
"Oi, gloomy, it's really fun to watch your face with dark circles," he told me.
I just looked at him angrily, then I rewound. The expressions of my parents, Nick, my classmates, and teachers - they all looked shocked and worried about my health. But I am the only one who knows the truth. Because of his words, I couldn't sleep and I am blushing like a stupid girl in front of him. In front of him, I am so miserable. Yesterday was the day I met him, and he is taking all rights over me like an old long friend.
What is this? Usually, I will leave those people or they will leave me eventually,
but why do I feel so comfortable with this guy?
Wait... This is weird. Why do I feel so calm and comfortable?
This is not like me!
That's why I came to the conclusion to ignore him as much as possible.

So when he came, I ignored him and began to walk towards the college gate.
"Hey... Gloomy, I am sorry. Don't be mad at me,"
he ran after me and pulled me.
"Let me go, jerk!" I shouted at him.
"I am not a jerk, I have a name,"
he replied angrily, but he didn't let me go.
At the same time, I felt pissed off that I shouted at him, "My name is Gloomy, either!"
"Well, let's introduce each other," he came to a calmer state before me and gently let me go, which even surprised me.
I told him my name is Casey. He giggled and told me, "You look like a cute witch."
Then I called him a moron.
Suddenly, he pinned me against the wall near the gate. He was too close to me, and at the same time, I felt chills. But he gently whispered in my ear,
"My name is not moron or jerk, call me Jackson." Unconsciously, I spelled his name as Jack.
He gave me a warm smile and shook my hand.
"Let's be friends forever, Cass," he told me.
A friend? I stared at his face.
"I don't think so," I rejected him mischievously and walked away.
He was staring at me with a sad expression.
"Suit yourself," I told him inside my mind and headed towards home.
This time, I felt surprisingly happy and excited for the first time.
"Jack, you are interesting," I thought.

Then days passed, and now I have a new routine. For the first time, I find it very interesting. Jack really loves to pester me. He loves to tease me a lot, and he has become troublesome. I find him everywhere in the college. In the library, he talks loudly and I scold him. Then he makes a mess inside the library, and I am the one who gets punished. He even peeps inside the girls' toilet. I punched him in the face, etc... The list is too long. But I don't know, I calm down whenever I'm with him. I feel very different. Strangely, no one is around us. I haven't even seen Nick for these days. But Jack encouraged me to talk with my classmates and Nick. Then slowly, I began to realize that my prejudices are wrong. They are different, but it doesn't mean they are bad. Stupid me. That day, I began to open up to him and everyone.

When it came to Nick, I didn't know what to do. Jack teased me that he had a crush on me. At first, I was shocked. Then I slowly recognized his actions. He was worried about me being alone or isolated. For the first time, I feel proud to have him. I don't know how he feels about me, but from that day onwards, I began to talk to Nick. At first, he was surprised, but soon he was happy. I shared all my troubles with him, like my parents' divorce. My parents had a love marriage, but soon they decided to get a divorce. They didn't mention it in front of me. I was really worried. Then Jack suggested that I have a talk with them. So I had a serious conversation with them. It's okay for me that they are getting divorced. I'm not forcing them to live together. But my parents surprised me by saying that they weren't going to do that. It made me think that something stupid, which also shows that they are in love again. I feel so happy and relieved. I hugged and cried in front of them. In that moment, I let out all my emotions. For the first time, I find that my life has a point. All thanks to my troublemaker. Tomorrow, I have decided to thank him personally.

Then the day had come, and I rushed towards the college.I was impatiently waiting for the classes to end because we usually meet like that. However, that day he didn't appear. I waited for him for too long, but he never came. I felt disappointed. In the coming days, I continued to wait for him, but he still didn't show up. I felt so sad and frustrated. On the other side of my life, everything was perfect. I was being a talkative person, but at the same time, I missed him so much. Nick was the only one who noticed that something was wrong with me. I was surprised. This is why Jack said, "You must treasure him." Then I explained to Nick about Jack.

We searched for him a lot, but Jack didn't give any details about him. I felt sad, but I didn't ask him either. We asked some classmates about him, but strangely, no one knew about him. I found it weird. What is this?

With all the frustration and sorrow, I just went to Nick's home. Nick was the one who welcomed me, and we were discussing this matter when Uncle Mark came. He was surprised to see me there because usually, I only talk with them for a few minutes and never visit them. Then he asked how I was doing and some other stuff. Then he left. Nick told me to get something to drink. At that time, I felt so lonely, so I decided to roam around Nick's home.

I must say, Nick's house is pretty neat. I was walking towards the hall where the family photos were displayed when suddenly, I saw that...

Why is he in the picture? And why is he with Uncle Mark? And why is he wearing his college uniform?
What is this?
I took a look at the timeline of the photo and it said 1997!
What the hell?
The Jack I know is with me now!
With a lot of confusion, I stared at the picture.
Then Uncle Mark came near me.
He was surprised to see me there, but then he happily explained about his photos.
At that time, I asked about the picture of Jack, and at the same time, Nick came with a drink.
Then Uncle Mark began to explain that the person in the picture was his best friend, Jackson Andrew. I asked about him and where he is now. That's when he got emotional and told me a shocking truth about Jack: "HE COMMITTED SUICIDE!"
After hearing that, I shouted at him, "IMPOSSIBLE!"
Uncle and Nick were surprised and looked at me.
I shouted at them, "MY JACK WOULD NEVER DO THAT!"
Then Nick was surprised and asked me, "Your Jack?"
"Yes," I pointed at the picture of Jack on the wall and told them.
Both of them looked confused and tried to convince me that "THAT GUY IS ALREADY DEAD."
Then I asked them to explain to me why I can still see him and feel him. I angrily told them and rushed towards my home.
I was shocked and cried all day. I know that Uncle Mark and Nick wouldn't lie to me because I have known them since my childhood. Nick, Uncle, and my parents tried to talk about this matter, but I refused to listen. I am still in disbelief about Jack. This explains so many mysterious things about him. One is the haunted stories about the rooftop, which is the place I first met him. Next is that he disappears when I cross the college gate and when people around me can't see him either. And he always stays in the college. 'THE MOST SHOCKING THING IS THAT MY FIRST -TIME FRIEND IS A GHOST '

For a few days, I shut myself off from everyone. I even refused to go to college. It's not like I am afraid of going crazy. I don't believe in supernatural things, but soon I will find out the truth about this. I swear. Then, in that moment, I decided to gather more information about Jack. So that I can accept the fact that Jack is a ghost. It hurts whenever I think about him, but why???

I cried a lot after that. He didn't tell me anything. At that time, disbelief and fear also consumed my mind. God is playing a joke on me now. Finally, I decided to go to college. I saw Nick too. He looked happy and understood my situation, so he left me alone.

When college finished, I went to the rooftop where I first met Jack. Then, I went to the same spot where he was standing. It was a very horrifying edge. The college has five floors, and if a person jumps from here, they are dead for sure. Why??? Why did you choose death, Jack? I burst into tears. At the same time, I thought I should try to kill myself as well. I stood at the edge and closed my eyes. In that moment, the faces of the people I loved also flashed in my mind.
Now, I am ready to die. "Jack," I whispered.

Suddenly, someone pulled me. I was surprised and shocked. I could feel that person's warmth as they hugged me tightly. Suddenly, I burst into tears and cried loudly, hugging them back. "Sorry, I am really sorry, Cass,"
Dont do stupid things , then you will end up like me!"he told me.
Finally, that person was none other than my Jack. He was back. I stayed with him for a few minutes. He smiled at me painfully, indicating that he knew what I knew. Then, he began to talk about his past.
Jackson Andrew, one of the famous students in 1997, was an orphan. But his best friend, Mark, was the only one who stayed by his side. One day, he fell in love with a girl who also studied here. She was one of his friends too. Later, their relationship turned into lovers. But in the end, they were   break up, which affected Jack deeply. He fell into a state of depression. Even his friend Mark didn't help him. In that unfortunate moment, he betrayed himself and ended his life.

I listen to him silently. I even told him about Nick's dad; that was his father. Even I can't believe he is 20 years older than me. If he is alive, he should be like a father figure to me. There is a thing, why are we both connected? Why can I feel him? There is no answer to that question.

"I have been here for 20 years, and none of them have been able to see me. And I can't leave this place either. But when you see me, for the first time, I have hope, Cass. Maybe you will be able to help me," he told me.

I asked him what he really wants. Then he smiled and replied, "I want to see her one last time, then rest in peace."

"Who?" I asked him.

"The girl I loved 20 years ago," he replied to me.

"What's her name?" I asked.

"Her name is Clara May," he smiled and told me.

I smiled at him too.

"I will help set you free," I promised him.

That day ended, but I decided to use my maximum time to spend with him and keep my promise as well.

For the coming days, Nick and I were busy with studies. At the same time, I solved the chaotic side of my life. I explained everything to Nick, but for my parents and Uncle Mark, I came up with a different story. But the name he mentioned sounds familiar. Then, all the days I spent with him were peaceful as well. Jack is being himself as usual, and I am trying my best too. I know he is a ghost, but it doesn't define our relationship. I am not scared at all. Rather, I find it pretty abnormal. At the time, Nick and I were searching for that lady with our limited clues. We asked Uncle Mark, but he didn't know either. Jack told me that he kept it secret for the sake of her family issues. I should thank Nick because he is hella trusting me. Days have gone by again...

One day unexpected guest arrived at my house.
My long distance aunt and her son.
She was elder sister of my mom. She is such a pretty lady, also she recently married and had a cute baby , uncle didnt came.
She hugged me tightly and talked to me as well, when they are having chit chat,
I heard my mom is calling her, may
I was surprised and with a curiosity i asked her,
Why you calling her may? Then my mom told me,
She was the favour child in our family, so grandma give her name. My moms name is Clara crystal. Then shockingly i asked to my aunt name and she replied me with a smile
As 'CLARA MAY'. With a surprise, i hold her hand and i asked about her college and she mentioned my college and batch 1997.
After that talk, i bursted into tears, finally i am gonna keep my promise jack.
I explained everything to nick, he was happy too. But problem is how he is able to see her, and i cant dig her past also, jack doesnt want to, but i am really curious about knowing their reason for break up, but it doesnt matter.So we came up with an plan, these coming days she is gonna stay with family, until uncle came. Then this coming day i have an exam, i told her to pick up me as well. Luckily she was happy enough to come to my college and meet her old teachers as well.

Then the day has come. Nick promised to stay with me until I finish my thing. Then I informed him everything about Jack. He was happy and asked about her as well. Surprisingly, he was shocked to learn the fact that she is my aunt. Maybe that's why we are connected. "If I am alive, you would be my cute niece," he pinched my cheeks and teased me. I laughed, but at the same time, I felt sorrow too.

Then the time has come. Aunt May arrived at my college. She roamed around my college and had a talk with her teachers. Aunt May was acting very strange. She became very emotional when she reached the library and the rooftop, which is where I used to meet Jack. And she burst into tears when she reached the rooftop as well. I acted like I didn't know and asked her why she was crying.

She told me very emotionally, "Once I loved someone here, and he is gone." At that time, I hugged her and supported her. I saw Jack standing near her with a smile. He didn't cry or react. I was very surprised to see his calmness. Then everything was finished, and she told me, "Let's go home." We picked up Nick, and suddenly her baby cried, and she called him "Jack." Nick and I were shocked. I looked at Jack, and he was shocked too.

She took care of the baby, and Nick sat in the driver's seat for her. I just turned back and looked at Jack. Inside the college, he was waving his hands to me and shouted, "THANK YOU, CASS! I MISS YOU AND I LOVE YOU. CHERISH YOUR LIFE FOR ME. LET'S BE FRIENDS FOREVER."

Those were the last words he told me, and then he disappeared from my life forever. I couldn't hold back my tears, but I controlled my emotions for a short time. Aunt May and Nick were waiting for me. When we got home, I went to Nick's side, cried, and hugged him. Nick was shocked but consoled me.

I felt sad, but at the same time, I felt so happy that Aunt May was still in love with him. As Jack wanted, now he is resting in peace. I am left alone again.

Then, two years passed... Christmas Day.

Now, I am standing in front of my troublemaker, Jackson Andrew, my one and only mystery friend. I thought I found his grave and became a visitor. I will share everything as usual. On the other hand, my niece Jack is also with me. He is also curiously looking at the grave. As usual, Nick is also with me. Today, we are here to tell Jack about my marriage. Of course, your guess is right. My mister perfect is Nick. He has fallen in love with me for a long time, and now I am also in love with him. So we decide to get married this New Year. Well, wish me good luck, I told him mischievously. Then we decided to leave. I put my flowers and said, "I miss you, troublemaker... After all, I don't have any regrets."

# Then, when I was about to turn, I heard something. "Cass, you look like a cute witch." I was surprised and turned, but I found it was just my hallucination. I smiled at his grave, then a mischievous wind passed over me. I told him, "I will cherish all my memories with you. Maybe that's why we are friends forever..."


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