

We must have self compassion and not compare ourselves to others. Create a story about such while you deal with or avoid life's uncertainties.

Life is short so enjoy it before it's too late.
In this present society comparison has become most common issue everywhere.
Right from birth to old age we compare each other. Right from birth to death every human one or other day have this feeling in their mind/heart. He/She is better than me. We degrade ourselves seeing the blessings of others.
When a Child is born then the first thing this society does is compare him/her to his parents. If any one of the parent's complexion is darker then they compare him/her to them.If she is the girl child then they say so and so has a son.
In this manner people feel nervous and count on the blessings of others instead of their own.
If a child is admitted in so and so school then there also comparison starts. If he/She studies well then they start comparing one's own children with others. Comparison in school grades from kg to pg level.
If one children goes abroad then they compare them to others.
The main things which are compared a lot everywhere are Physical appearance,
Style of living, job,house,car, wealth,health etc etc..,
....to be continued