

Single Doctor...(Part 4).

PART:- 04

..(Last Part)..

I will playback some behind the misunderstanding of Maitreyi. Anashvan reprimanding Maitreyi for coming late. As she apologises, Vihaan stops by & offers Maitreyi a bottle of juice saying that a hot guy sent it for her. Jealous, Anashvan demands Vihaan to hand him the bottle. Vihaan refuses but Anashvan insists he hand to him the bottle. Vihaan tells Anashvan that he was lying about the hot boy giving Maitreyi the bottle as ge just wanted to see how jealous Anashvan feels on hearing about other guys trying to hit on Maitreyi. Maitreyi then teases Anashvan for feeling envious & he walks off denying the fact that he felt jealous. Anashvan says, "Who are jealous of you? You Dambo..!" and starts laughing.
Now, get to the point from last part. Urvi pays a surprise visit which flusters Anashvan. After making some random talk, she sits on his lap & tries to seduce him when Maitreyi walks in on them. She storms out of the room & Anashvan starts following her. He finds her in the corridor but she refuses to listen to anything & rushes into the elevator. Maitreyi gets shocked & angry and calls Kiran to meet her. Maitreyi says, " Hello.! Can you come see me now??" Kiran, " Yaa which not. Are you alright? Your voice is changed."
When Anashvan returns to his room, he rebukes Urvi for trying such cheap tricks to have Maitreyi & him break up. She feigns ignorance and states that it is Maitreyi who is misunderstanding him & that she has nothing to do with it. She then adds that this is just the beginning & that he must wait & watch what is coming her way next.
Maitreyi meets Kiran at a park where they reminiscence their childhood days. He then apologises to her for what happened on that day & she readily forgives him considering he was sloshed. He then confesses that he did actually have a huge crush on her right from the time they met first time & she looks flattered by it. She asks him if he has finally found that special someone to fill in the last page of his slam book & he says he has. He asks the same question to her and she tells him how happy she is when she is with that special person. She says she intended to she confess her feelings for him when she caught him with Urvi. Kiran offers her a hug & tells her that he knows his brother too well & that he will never do such things ever to her.
He pulls her into another hug when Samaksh sees them together. He calls some unknown person and thanks for calling him on time to witness such a scene. Kiran drops Maitreyi home & we then see that Maitreyi & Anashvan both want to talk to each other but refrain themselves from doing so.
Next day, At University, some girls are gushing over a handsome boy's photo when Maitreyi walks by and they gossip that she is now a 'fallen princess' and that she has no money with her anyone. Maitreyi feels conscious of their gazes & just then Kiran walks up to her & asks if it went well with Anashvan. She says that she is still not prepared to talk it out with him. She asks him if he has sorted things out with Samaksh & he says that he has not been able to get hold of him yet. They are then confronted by her friends who mock the fact that she is no longer rich and is now a 'fallen princess'.
Urvi meets Anashvan in the parking lot & shows him the news about Maitreyi's family going bankruptcy. Anashvan asks her if she is the source of this news & she nonchalantly replies that she did nothing.
Here, Kiran picks a fight with Maitreyi's friends who teases her for being poor. They tell Maitreyi that now since she has no money, she is no use of us at all. Kiran wants to give the Tirtha & Sanya a piece of his mind but, Maitreyi stops him for doing so. She asks him to take her to someplace else & they go to Medical Science building where Anashvan joins them shortly. Kiran apologises to Maitreyi & shows her message of Samaksh sent him in which he mentions that he spread the news of Maitreyi's family going bankrupt as a punishment for stealing Kiran from him. Kiran shows the message to Anashvan who fumes with rage & orders Kiran to have things cleared as soon as possible. Maitreyi holds the hand of Anashvan and calm him down saying that it is the truth and that she has to deal with it but Anashvan insists Kiran sort the matter with Samaksh. They visit Samaksh's apartment where Kiran requests to have a word with Samaksh in private. Samaksh tells him that he knows that Kiran likes Maitreyi as he saw him hugging her at the park. Samaksh seems betrayed that Kiran has always harboured feelings for Maitreyi. Kiran pulls him into a back hug & says that despite everything the only person he wants to hug or even spend his life with is Samaksh.
But, Samaksh isn't convinced & he breaks Kiran's grip over him. Finally alone together, Maitreyi takes the opportunity to clear things out as she asks Anashvan what exactly happened between him and Urvi the other day. He hesitantly says that he got molested that day. His answer brings a smile on Maitreyi's face. He says that he is too shy to initiate such a move so it is clear that Urvi must have been up to something. Maitreyi grins & he asks if she believes him. She says she knows that he does not lie and believes his side of the story. He then asks her about Kiran & she says that she is sure that Kiran is just her friend & nothing more. She then adds that she does have a feelings for a guy but is not sure if he likes her back because she is not well mannered & does not cook well. Just then Kiran & Samaksh step out of the room. Samaksh seems angry. Maitreyi tries to convince him that there is nothing between them but he refuses to buy her story. So, Anashvan intervenes saying that, "He need not worry about Kiran cheating on him with Maitreyi because, Maitreyi..... is my girl.." He then turns Maitreyi to himself & plants a peck on her lips for kissing..😘When they starts kissing.... Kiran turns his eyes away from them but, Samaksh looks quiet amused. Samaksh says that he plans to call a press conference & admit to spreading the rumours about Maitreyi's family. Maitreyi said that, "He need not do any such thing as she has accepted that her family has gone bankrupt & he need not try to cover up this news for her. Samaksh says that it is not just about her family but also his love he wants to come out of the closest & reveal his sexuality to the world. Kiran joins in saying that he too wants Samaksh to meet his mother soon.
Anashvan then asks Maitreyi is she wishes to visit any place special & after a lot of thinking, she finally takes him to the swing where she always meet Kiran & tells him that the place makes her happy. They go to her favorite place. Maitreyi say, " Perhaps, this is where it makes me feel good the most here."
Anashvan then apologises to her & she looks confused. He reveals that her family going bankrupt is a lie that her parents came up with an order to have her disciplined. In a flashback part, we saw that Maitreyi's parents approach Kiran & Anashvan to help them to discipline her. Anashvan agrees it on the condition that they will allow him to use his methods to do so.
Minute rises in anger & whines how she had to sell her bags to survive. Anashvan is unable to hide his amusement at her outburst & Maitreyi growls in anger. He then apologises for kissing her suddenly & she says it's okay. He asks her if it was her first kiss & she shakes her head in a no. He asks, " Ahhhh? Who you kissed before this? "
She says, "That day, Kiran forcibly kisses her😢. So, it was her first kiss & now second time." Anashvan replies, "Okay....It's ok. But, it was forcefully."😊
He admits it was his first kiss which takes Maitreyi by surprise. He takes out something from his pocket & he places the pocket watch around her neck & says that he fixed it for her. He states that he gave his first kiss because she will be the woman he will ever love in his life. He then proposes to her by leaning in for a kiss and says, "I love you Maitreyi." She looks in his eyes. He came forward to kiss her. She stops him just before their lips meet and asks him for sometime to think about it. He says, "You have only 20 seconds to think & if you say nothing within the time then he will take it as yes." 😂 He starts the countdown 20, 19,18,17,16............ & She feels nervous. As the countdown comes to a close (5,4,3....), she kisses him lovingly thereby startling.....

(Again they kissed for a long time.. awwwww😘😍)

With a sly smile, she admits that she had her answer since from long time, in fact from the time he helped her first time. He says that he cannot do anything for the hard time she had to have but will ensure that going forward whatever time they spend together will be the best times of her life.
They both go to home with cakes & chocolates. They had their dinner together. Now it's time to sleep. Anashvan (by naughtily) says, "Today we are going to sleep together in one room. So, you should decide in whose room to sleep?" Maitreyi says, "What?? Why together?" Anashvan replies, "I got your answer today. So, it's a big day for us so let's enjoy ,😝" Maitreyi get up from couch and pushes Anashvan into his room and she quickly ran into her room and locks her room & said, "Good night. Have a sweet dreams".😊 Anashvan (by mood off) replies, "Okay. . Good night. I will see you tomorrow." Both goes to their bed & slept.
Next morning at University, Anashvan asks Maitreyi for goodbye kiss as he drops her in his car. She teases him for acting greedy after his first kiss. As she turns to leave ahe notices her erstwhile friends Tirtha & Sanya & changes her mind. She then allows him a kiss on her cheek which he does happily as her friends go green with envy. Seeing their reaction she then plants a peck on his cheek & this time her friends are almost in tears.
In another round of breakup, Anashvan scolds Urvi for troubling Maitreyi & asks her to back off. She asks him if he ever liked her & he answers that he never felt anything for her. After college, All went to home. Today, Kiran's mother was coming to house. They clean all the house and Kiran's Mother came at home. After sometime all had a dinner and Kiran calls Samaksh to come at home his mom has came. Nearly, at evening Samaksh came at Anashvan's home. Finally, Kiran introduces Samaksh as his boyfriend to his Mother. His mother accepts his relationship & says that she was always aware of it and was only waiting for him to speak truth. All were so happy. At night, Maitreyi take a leave from Samaksh, Kiran & his mom. She was so happy for Kiran & Samaksh. Anashvan go with her to leave her to her parents to meet up. He kiss & hug her in car & she leaves to her home. She gives bye flying kiss to him. He leaves.
At Maitreyi's house, Maitreyi pretends to be angry with her parents before telling them that she is fine with whatever they did for her . She shows them a pocket watch which her father gifted her before they became rich and says that she only wishes them to eat food with her occasionally if not everyday & her father promises her to do so. They had dinner happily together & Maitreyi shares her all things with her mom & leaves home.
At mid-night, Anashvan & Maitreyi watch the Press conference of Samaksh's where he revealed Kiran as his boyfriend & Maitreyi is happy that they don't have to hide their relationship anymore from others. They had their late night dinner together & decides to play Chess. While, Maitreyi don't know how to play chess. Anashvan teaches her how to play. Our naughty Anashvan , feels naughty & tries to steal a kiss but Maitreyi stops him from doing so as a punishment for lying her. She says he cannot kiss or touches her until he gets graduates.😌 (Woooaahh !!, What a condition she kept😂. ) The punishment seema too severe for him so she allows him to hug her and his arm swings back onto her shoulder. He then asks for a kiss & she pushes him away & gets up and ran in house. Ahe always kept saying, " Kiss is certainly not allowed". He says it's impossible to stop himself from kissing her & she shrugs. Pulling her closer he asks her if she will be able to stop herself from kissing him & this time she finally gives in saying that some exceptions can be made in their case. He kisses her softly & says that he will ensure that she says this again and again. Anashvan say, " Can you do it?" Maitreyi says,
"Don't challenge me, you. But, what have to do?" Anashvan gives a naughty smile & replies, "You have to kiss me."
Maitreyi say, "Good night. I am feeling so sleepy now. Let's talk tomorrow." & rans towards her room & locks her room. Anashvan (in mind), "Run my girl.. how much & uptill when you will run?" He plans a surprise for her tomorrow. He also get up and go to a bed. Anashvan (types message in his phone to Matreyi), " Tomorrow is weekend holiday.. So, don't wake up late. I have a surprise for you tomorrow. Get up early." Maitreyi (sees & replies), "Ok". Both slept.
Next morning, Anashvan books the hotel and calls Maitreyi & her mom dad, Kiran, Samaksh... They all arrive at the messaged address. He has brought a big baby pink gown for her.
After an Hour then, she comes to the hotel wearing that gown. She looks so beautiful & adorable. Everyone looks at her as she gets out of the car. The whole hotel was decorated with cool baby pink and white flowers. Lots of people had came. She was a little scared to see so many people. She walks in from the red carpet of right end. Her eyes are just looking for him. Then he comes from left end with a grand entry. He looks very elegant & sweet. She was very happy to see him. He is also very fond of her. They both of them slowly walk into the hall and stops between both ends. Everyone claps. First he goes on stage, and takes her by the hand. She had became very shy, but he notices each and every feelings of her. Then, with Mike in one hand and her hand in the other ..., he sits on his knees and proposes to her. He says, "I love you so much. Will you marry me?" Everyone in the hall starts shouting loudly ... And she is very shy but speaks with courage, "Yes....😳 I love you too." He gets up and grabs her in his arms and kissed her.. All claps & shouts Congratulations... To both of them..
After 1 year, when he & she completes their graduation..., They got married happily and after 2 yrs they both blessed with twins childrens as both girls...... !!

( So, At last "A Single Doctor" turns into 'Mingle' and later had a family of his own with 4 members...)

Thank you. It was the last part of my story, " Single Doctor."

- Janvi Khot 1709.

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