

Suicide is a blame game!!!
Committing suicide is a crime, that’s true!
But what about the acts that force people into it…
The deal is,,,,, people have gotten rather more interested in others’ businesses that theirs!
And badmouthing others seems a petty deal for quite everyone….
It often doesn’t make any difference for the morally strong ones but for the easy going, sentimental and over thinkers it’s quite a huge burden up in their minds, might not let them be at peace since they keep thinking what did they do wrong, where did they go wrong!

If you do this you get judged over, if you dress up your will, especially for girls you might end up getting called as a slut, for the younger ones and as a homewreker for the adult ladies! You can’t step out of the doors as you wish to; you can’t speak a word more when you’re getting wrongly blamed! You need to listen to the taunts and still need to shut up when you’re being called shameless. You’re more scared of being talked about your molestation than the trauma you’re going through. And don’t worry men won’t ask if it’s a yes or no, they will just use you and throw away, do what they feel like doing; nothing much!!

If you’re a boy, you’re meant to take responsibility for everything. No, you don’t exactly have the right to ask for a share of burden, for share of responsibility because you’re a boy, even if you’re not, you have to feign to be strong. That being a man tag lets you good to go away with your tears and your feelings; simply speaking you cannot cry because you’re a “man”. Don’t expect that you will be appreciated because you toil hard day and night 9 to 5 and sometimes even go overtime to bring food for your family, to keep a roof above their head, to buy them clothes and the entire sum for their education. And you’ll also be forgotten to be wished men’s day and Father’s day.
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