

Author's note: Due to development in the story, I've decided to change the name of my story from Race for the throne to Unite. I hope you guys enjoy it.

Chapter 3

I woke up early the next morning, tidied up my room and small portion of the house as best as I could before leaving for town. I was an apprentice to the local blacksmith of Peritus. My aunt had already prepared food for me which she had placed in my bag,I picked up my bag from the floor close to the door and went out, my aunt had already left for the market like always.

I took off in a sprint,after being warned by my aunt that the forest had become more dangerous and that she was barely able to escape a mana beast,since I was not good with magic I didn't want to get caught by any of the beast. Not looking back,not even once I continued forward almost missing a bull beast ahead of me.

I quickly hid myself behind a tree, I could see the entrance to the town from where I stood but going any further will be futile, as I stood still contemplating on what to do I noticed the bull staring towards my direction, without giving me time to think of what to do,the beast launched at me I was barely able to dodge, I threw myself at the next tree evading the bull,as I got to my feet I took out a dagger that I brought with me.

I was stunned by the speed of the bull, I saw the beast heading straight for me, before I could get back to reality I was sent flying in the air, I tried using the wind to atleast slow my fall, I slammed my back really hard on a tree I could see blood coming out of my mouth,using the little strength I had to keep myself from going unconscious. The beast was ready for another charge at me,as it headed straight for me I stood to my feet,I could feel my legs trembling as the beast came closer,it lowered it's head in order to get ready for another flip but this time I was ready for it. I took that opportunity to strike, bringing my dagger to the lowered head of the beast it let out a roar as it fell to the ground.

My vision became blurry,felt like the world was spinning,there was no more strength in me. I fell to the ground and lost all consciousness.

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