

Emotions are Not Joke Anymore
Emotions are important in our social life because they allow us to express and understand our feelings.

Yes, Emotions are really very important in our lives to be able to live with a healthy lifestyle. But my question is,is there really someone who can understand it and can understand just by looking at your face?
No, nobody if someone does they won't dare to ask you what have you been?
So strange! Because they're busy with theirs own stuff's. Emotions is not a things to play with but to understand it.

We need to communicate but with whom?
Parents.. Friends.. or is there any person who can gave advice to us, not console. At least they can show a little sympathy in front of us, but not that either. Our parents to whom we go just to share that emotions that feeling which is killing us from a long time ago, in the last we again come back to our room just hanging head low. Like expressing emotions is a crime, they didn't understand it and again gave order "Go Study Hard! You have to be 1st In your Class, We hope we will proud to be as you're our child! It's fine to feel like that, and it will be okay after that! "
what's that? if we knew that why we need your accompany?
There comes friends, If you have something to say they will make your mouth shut just by listening their stuffs! Someone said, friends are really important in life because they understand you better than parents. "
But my Friends, when you have money, we're friends for forever! When your money goes to waste your friends will vanished like ashes.
Even now we're afraid to share something to them, Our mind always think more than hundred times just to ask for a help!
is that what we called friends?

Pressing them into mind, Fighting with all the 24×7 Isn't Joke anymore! In night just lied in bed just to let everyone that I'm sleeping, I'm resting my body But what about Mind? How will be rest, even though eyes are forced to close but there's no rest! Only struggle to sleep, struggle to ask for help, struggle to talk with people and struggle to go out of the room!

Now everybody is afraid to talk about that, afraid to share there emotions thinking, will someone make fun of me? Making fun of someone's feelings emotions is like killing that person emotionally.

Now literally I have no one with whom I can share everything I have, But living like this for a long time I don't need any single person anymore just share my feelings.

There's no one who can make fun of me telling I'm mentally ill! No friends! No relationship! I'm fine with me! I found myself in this long journey, I found myself with whom I can share everything without thinking twice! because I know I won't judge myself, I will accept myself! No need those friends who only see your Smile, not the pain, not the struggle you go through every day!

Someone say I became Antisocial, Someone say I don't have any friends, but Now who care?

They made me strong, they make me feel my worth, thanks to them! The biggest lessons they teach me in this early life. They show me the truth of this world where we live telling whatever we see is true!

Being social all the time isn't bad, and staying away from society for sometimes isn't bad either. No need to be there where you feel like you never exist that moment! Just stay away from toxic things or people.

There really few people's who understand emotions and feelings and sadly they're the one who struggle to go out of this. Respect them! Don't judge any person whom you actually don't know!
As long as you don't know yourself you won't be able to anyone else. That's true. Emotions are something or it's some kind of mental state and feelings which we should never ignore, because the more we ignore the more biggest causes it will be. Thank you!

© SDSilone #sdsilone #Writco #writer #emotions #Feelings