


George Steve and his two wives came down from the car smiling, each of them was coming from a different office and George had decided to pick them up from work.
The first wife, Mrs. Mirabel George nee Richard hugged him.
"Baby, I love you;" she said to him and they went inside the house with Britney George nee Simon, the second wife. They have two children both girls,Benita was born by Britney and Martha was born by Mirabel.
George's mother visited them, she so much like the two wife very much and she was the one that married them for George, it is a forced marriage to him.
"Ma welcome;"the two wives greeted Mrs. Steve.
"My daughters, how are you two?;" she asked.
"Fine ma;" they replied
"Welcome ma;" George greeted as she sat down.
"Thank you;" she replied. Martha and Benita entered to greet her too and she smiled at them and they left.
"George you're really lucky to have two wife who are not rivals;" she told him after they had settled down.
"It is true about that and say something if you want to, you eat your food first then;"he said.
"I will eat later. You said I should say something as if you know;" then she began, "I wanted to bring a house help for my wives, I can't allow my daughter-in-laws to do any work;"
"It is your own decision and my wives to decide;" George said
"Ma, yes bring the househelp , we will be grateful;"Britney decided,Martha agreed too to that.
"I will bring the lonely girl;" Mrs. Steve told them.
"Thank you ma;"the wives chorused.
That night,George was sleeping close to Britney on the bed facing each other.
"You and Mirabel are lazy that's why you want a house help;" he told her,Britney quickly said "We have many works to do in our office;"
"I've heard you, it is your own doing. I just don't want you two to become very lazy;" he said looking at the ceiling.
"we won't darling;" she said and carass him.
George's mother brought a young girl who would be the house help the next morning.
"Oh Mom, where have you been hiding the girl, did you go back to your place so quickly;" Mirabel asked
"You shouldn't mind;".
George went out to see a friend and would soon be right back,they told the girl to sit down.
"what's your name?;" Mirabel asked her
"My name is Natasha Silas, sometimes I am called Asa, it is paternal grandmother's name and I am an orphan, Mrs. Steve has helped me a lot and when she mentioned about me being a house help I agreed to follow her quickly, I am grateful for her help;" Natasha told them.
"You're welcome, I am Mirabel and this is Britney;" Mirabel introduced.
"Happy to see you ma;" Natasha said.
George entered the house and greeted his mother while his two wife kissed him on the cheeks and he smiled.
"Hi babies;" he said and turned to Natasha,he felt his temperature rising,he looked at her from head to toe internally feeling passion.
"This is Natasha Silas,she is going to be your wives's house help;" His mother introduced.
George smiled, "you're welcomed Natasha, I am George;" he told her.
"Thank you sir;" Natasha said smiling.
Goodness, the house help is so sexy and beautiful, she has the shape of a lady he likes, he look at her as Britney took her to the kitchen and he sat down.
"I should leave for my place now;" Mrs. Steve said and George see her off. That evening, George sat down in the parlor reading his newspaper at the same time thinking about Natasha. Natasha is cooking in the Kitchen and his wives are seated by his side wearing the same cloth.
"Please can you leave me now;"George said trying to free himself,they were busy carassing him,h had to think deeply about Natasha who he likes at first sight,he had to keep watch and know her behavior and think of what to do, his plans but isn't it stupid, oh he was tempted. He closed the newspaper and found his wives sleeping next to him, he stood up leaving them and went to sleep.
.........To be continued
Part two on the way🚵
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