

The Journey of Aprameya: Discovering the Purpose of Life
In a small village surrounded by lush green fields and tall mountains, there lived a young man named Aprameya. He was known for his curious mind and kind heart. Every day, Aprameya would walk through the village, watching people work, play, and live their lives. But deep inside, he felt a question growing stronger: “What is the purpose of life?”

One sunny afternoon, while sitting under a large banyan tree, Aprameya decided to seek answers. He remembered hearing stories about a wise old man named Parashurama, who was known for his knowledge and understanding of life. Aprameya thought, “If anyone can help me find the answer, it is Master Parashurama.”

So, he set off on a journey to find the master. After walking for hours, he finally reached a serene place on the hillside where Parashurama lived. The old man was sitting in meditation, surrounded by beautiful flowers and chirping birds. Aprameya approached him and bowed respectfully.

“Master Parashurama, I am Aprameya from the village. I have come to ask you a question that troubles my heart. What is the purpose of life?” he asked earnestly.

Parashurama opened his eyes, smiled kindly, and said, “Ah, my dear Aprameya, that is a question many seek to answer. Let us take a walk together, and I will share a story with you.”

As they walked through the lush fields, Parashurama began his tale. “Long ago, in a distant land, there was a small bird named Chavi. Chavi was cheerful and loved to sing. Every morning, she would wake up before the sun and fill the air with her sweet songs. The villagers adored her and would often gather to listen.”

“One day, Chavi noticed a grand eagle soaring high in the sky. The eagle was strong and majestic, and Chavi thought, ‘I wish I could fly like that eagle. I want to be great and powerful.’ So, she stopped singing and started trying to fly higher and higher.”

“But every time she tried, she fell back down. Frustrated and sad, Chavi forgot about her singing and only focused on flying. Days passed, and she became weak and unhappy. Then one morning, a wise old owl came to her and asked, ‘Why do you look so sad, little bird?’”

Chavi replied, “I wish to be like the eagle, but I cannot fly high like him.”

The owl chuckled softly and said, “Dear Chavi, you are not meant to be an eagle. Your purpose is to sing. When you sing, you bring joy to others and happiness to yourself. Embrace who you are.”

Parashurama paused and looked at Aprameya. “Chavi realized that her purpose was not to mimic the eagle but to embrace her own unique gift. She returned to her singing, and soon the villagers were happier than ever. Chavi found joy in being herself.”

Aprameya listened intently, and the story began to resonate with him. “Master, what should I do to find my own purpose?” he asked eagerly.

Parashurama replied, “To discover your purpose, you must explore your passions and talents. What brings you joy? What do you love to do? Spend time helping others, for in service, you often find your true calling.”

Inspired, Aprameya decided to take Parashurama’s advice. He returned to his village and began to observe what made him happy. He loved to help people, especially children. He started teaching them how to read and write, sharing stories of the world beyond the village.

As days turned into weeks, Aprameya found joy in the laughter and excitement of the children. He would gather them under the banyan tree, just like he had once sat there alone, and they would learn together. The children loved him, and he felt fulfilled.

But one day, a terrible storm swept through the village. The wind howled, and heavy rain caused the river to overflow. Many houses were damaged, and the villagers were scared and lost. They needed help, and Aprameya knew he had to act.

He rallied the villagers, encouraging them to work together. They formed teams to repair the homes, gather food, and provide comfort to those in distress. Aprameya led the effort, and with his guidance, they rebuilt their community stronger than before.

Amidst the chaos, he realized something important: his purpose was not just to teach but to serve and uplift others during their times of need. He found strength in unity and compassion.

After the storm had passed, the villagers celebrated their resilience. They praised Aprameya for his leadership and kindness. In that moment, Aprameya understood that the purpose of life is not a single destination but a journey of discovery, service, and love.

Years went by, and Aprameya continued to grow, helping his village and spreading joy wherever he went. He became a beloved figure, and people would often seek his wisdom. But no matter how much he learned, he never forgot the lesson from Master Parashurama and the story of Chavi.

One evening, as he sat under the banyan tree, now much older, Aprameya thought of his dear master. He understood that life’s purpose was about being true to oneself, embracing one’s gifts, and using them to make a difference in the world.

As the sun set behind the mountains, Aprameya smiled, feeling content. He had found his purpose, and he knew that each person has their own unique path to follow. The journey was never-ending, but with love, kindness, and a desire to help others, one could truly find meaning in life.

© Nishmitha Kotian